...得发展,包括采用磁性随机存取存储(MRAM)技术、基于探针(probe-based)的存储技术、分子存储技术、荧光多层光存储技术 … o.cena.com.cn|基于9个网页 2. 基于探测的方法 对于单播的方式,有两种速率控制方法,基于探测的方法(probe-based)和基于模型的方法(model-based)。基于探测的方法通过 … ...
Detective includesaPC-based ProbeManager interface that allows the user to set up the DDR3 Detective, control which [...] tipschina.gov.cn tipschina.gov.cn DDR3 Detective有一个基于PC的ProbeManager界面,允许用户设置DDR3 Detective,控制正在进行的测试并报告协议违反行为和性能检测结果。
Probe-Based Global Illumination 【USparkle专栏】如果你深怀绝技,爱“搞点研究”,乐于分享也博采众长,我们期待你的加入,让智慧的火花碰撞交织,让知识的传递生生不息! 一、全局光照的流派 在实时渲染中,全局光照(Global Illumination,以下简称GI)始终是一个难题,GI可以拆分成高光和漫反射,高光反射暂时不在本篇的讨...
Volume Based Probe 既然说到了“支持动态场景”,那么一套对GPU友好的,支持视锥体积内任意坐标采样的(粒子,体积渲染等离不开),不需要美术人员手动摆放的Probe系统就是必需的了。作为可微函数,球谐是可以直接被当做像普通的颜色一样扔到3D贴图中并使用QuadLinear插值采样的,那么在每个体素的中心放置一个采样点,就是...
The basic principle of nucleic acid probebased assay is the intrinsic ability of single-strandedDNAorRNAto anneal specifically to a complementary sequence and form a double-stranded hybrid. Most microorganisms encountered in the clinical microbiology laboratory can be identified using conventional methods....
Add a route to a particular host to be used as a target in probe-based failure detection. $route -p add -hostdestination-IPgateway-IP-static wheredestination-IPandgateway-IPare IPv4 addresses of the host to be used as a target. For example, you would type the following to specify the ...
The LNA probe-based real-time PCR assay was developed in a two-tube format with three LNA probes and one internal amplification control probe in each tube. The assay showed excellent specificity toM.tuberculosiswith or without RFP resistance by evaluating 12 strains of common non-tuberculosis ...
In conclusion, we have proposed a novel passive driven IV-OCT probe based on a miniaturized propeller. The probe utilizes the fluid to flush the blood in order to rotate the propeller. This rotation in turn drives the right angle prism mounted on the propeller shaft to realize the rotational...
Probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) allows for real-time diagnosis of dysplasia and cancer in Barrett’s esophagus (BE) but is limited by low sensitivity. Even the gold standard of histopathology is hindered by poor agreement between pathologists. We deployed deep-learning-based image ...
In the present study, a novel fluorescent probe based on RPA assay (ORFV exo RPA assay) was developed. The developed ORFV exo RPA assay was capable of as low as 100 copies of ORFV DNA /reaction and was highly specific, with no cross-reaction with closely related viruses (capripox ...