本人能力有限,如果错误欢迎批评指正。 第六章:The principles of protein folding kinetics (蛋白质折叠动力学的原理) 整个二级结构通常作为一个单元进行折叠 蛋白质倾向于以基序或二级结构的单位折叠,而不是以单个的氨基酸的形式进行折叠。结构折叠单元被称为折叠单元或部分展开的形式(foldons or partially unfolded for...
第六章:The principles of protein folding kinetics (蛋白质折叠动力学的原理) 通过过渡态的概念来描述了单指数动力学 任何具有单指数动力学的过程,包括双态蛋白质折叠或展开,都可以用过渡态或激活势垒(transition state or activation barrier)的概念来描述。这个概念建立在任何平衡常数K,s之间的基本关系之上,如折叠,...
This article describes some of the consequences of such behaviour, particularly in the context of the aggregation events that are frequently associated with aberrant folding. It focuses in particular on the emerging links between protein aggregation and the increasingly prevalent forms of debilitating ...
General principles of protein structure, stability, and folding kinetics have recently been explored in computer simulations of simple exact lattice models. These models represent protein chains at a rudimentary level, but they involve few parameters, approximations, or implicit biases, and they allow ...
We introduce a novel generalization of the discrete nonlinear Schr"odinger equation. It supports solitons that describe how proteins fold. As an example we scrutinize the villin headpiece HP35, an archetypal protein for testing both experimental and theoretical approaches to protein folding. Using ...
The Principles of Protein Folding Kinetics Abstract chapter7|20pages Proteins Evolve Abstract chapter8|20pages Bioinformatics: Insights from Protein Sequences Abstract chapter9|20pages Protein Geometries and Energetics Abstract chapter10|30pages Molecular Simulations and Conformational Sampling ...
This paper surveys the emerging role of statistical mechanics and polymer theory in protein folding. In the polymer perspective, the folding code is more a solvation code than a code of local propensities. The polymer perspective resolves two classic puzzles: (1) the Blind Watchmaker' Paradox that...
Protein-protein interaction (PPI) leads to a stable interface for enzyme, regulatory, immune, and inhibitory function. Therefore, it is important to decipher the driving force for PPI. The principles of PPI are driven by a combination of several physical and chemical features to conserve molecular...
Simple theoretical concepts and models have been helpful to understand the folding rates and routes of single-domain proteins. As reviewed in this article, a physical principle that appears to underly these models is loop closure. 关键词: Protein folding kinetics Native-state topology Two-state prot...
《Protein Actions Principles and Modeling》-《蛋白质作用原理和建模》 本人能力有限,如果错误欢迎批评指正。 第六章:The principles of protein folding kinetics (蛋白质折叠动力学的原理) -速率测量有助于深入了解蛋白质折叠的途径 可折叠的路线是什么?在折叠过程中什么时候形成不同的结构?不同的实验探头会报...