This essay illustrates the progressive potential of civility though an analysis of the rhetoric of Katharine Jefferts Schori, the current presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church and first woman to hold the post. I argue that Jefferts Schori forges a progressive civility by casting a vision for ...
Quotes from Frank Griswold, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church
英文: The presiding judge was later censured for publicizing the case.中文: 该主审法官后来受到批评,因为他把案件公开化了。英文: For the first time a woman is presiding bishop of Episcopal Church.中文: 英国圣公会主教史无前例地任命一名妇女担任住教。
The meaning of PRESIDING BISHOP is the president of the executive council of the Protestant Episcopal Church who is elected by the general convention.
TEC Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves of the Diocese of El Camino Real congratulate Bishop Maria Griselda Delgado del Carpio of Cuba after the House of Bishops' unanimous vote July 10 to welcome Cuba back into The Episcopal Church. 'For the church in Cuba, it's a ...
A Fearless Woman of Firsts: The 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Is an Expert in Forging Relationships-Even with Those Who Disagree KATHARINE JEFFERTS SCHORI, 26th presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States and 15 other countries, is determined to build far-reachin...
PbO Presiding Bishop's Office (LDS church) PbO Polarized Born-Oppenheimer PbO Poly-Paraphenylene-2 6-Benzobisoxazole (Zylon) PbO Penicillin in Beeswax PbO Profit Before Overhead PbO Performance Based Objective PbO Polymorphic Buffer Overflow (security attack) PbO Provided by Owner (construction industry...
For the first time a woman ispresidingbishop of Episcopal Church. 英国圣公会主教史无前例地任命一名妇女担任住教. 互联网 To assist thepresidinghearer in organizing the hearing. 协助听证主持人组织听证. 互联网 The judicial officers assisted thepresidingjudge in hearing this case. ...
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, the African-American leader of the U.S.-based Episcopal Church,spokepassionately for 13 minutes about the power of love. “The late Dr. Martin Luther King once said, and I quote: ‘We must discover the power of love, the redemptive power of...
KATHARINE JEFFERTS SCHORI, 26th presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States and 15 other countries, is determined to build far-reaching relationships.Swift, Diana