Episcopal presiding bishop marks community center dedicationAESHA DUVAL
Episcopal presiding bishop urges toleranceAESHA DUVAL
At the caucus we will select our nominees to General Convention for the important Committee on nomination for the Presiding Bishop. Candidates for this committee will be identified at the Synod on July 3. Posted at 12:39 PM in 2012 General Convention Indianapolis, 71st Synod July 3, 2012 ...
KATHARINE JEFFERTS SCHORI, 26th presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States and 15 other countries, is determined to build far-reaching relationships.Swift, Diana
Quotes from Frank Griswold, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church
Episcopal Church Elects First Black Presiding BishopBrady McCombsRachel Zoll
Read the full-text online article and more details about Church Leader Knocks 'Denominational idols.'(Presiding Bishop Frank T. Griswold of the Episcopal Church Calls for the Elimination of Denominational Beliefs That Prevent Christian unity)(Brief Article)....
Episcopal Church Elects First Black Presiding Bishop and Primate N.C. Bishop Is Elected to Lead Episcopals at S.L. GatheringCortez, Marjorie
Chicago liberal called as Episcopal presiding bishopDiego Ribadeneira, Globe Staff