List of presiding bishops of the Episcopal Church in the United States of AmericaCharles P. Anderson
Cummins himself, towards the formation of the Reformed Episcopal Church." November 10, the bishop addressed a letter to bishop Smith, his superior in the diocese of Kentucky, and the presiding bishop of the general Church, resigning his position as a bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church. ...
Participants in the live webcast will be: Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori; President of the House of Deputies Bonnie Anderson; Executive Officer and Secretary of the General Convention, the Rev. Gregory Straub; and Bishop Catherine Waynick of the...
The chapter on pastoral care deals mainly with bishops in their roles of consecrating churches, preaching, absolving, and presiding over diocesan synods; that on episcopal wealth is mostly about endowments and draws heavily from Domesday Book, while that on bishops in their communities dwells ...
s decision blew through Convention like wildfire. People are absolutely jubilant. And then yesterday Bishop Michael Curry of North Carolina was elected the next Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church on a landslide, first ballot vote. He follows Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori as a ...
The Episcopal Church is an autonomous, mainline Protestant church in the United States and member of the Anglican Communion. It was formally organized in Philadelphia in 1789 as the successor to the Church of England in the American colonies.
Church and is first in order of precedence among the Council of Bishops. The position occupies a key role in the polity and practice of the AME Church. While a Senior Bishop has existed since the incorporation of the church as a denomination in 1816, the first ...