List of presiding bishops of the Episcopal Church in the United States of AmericaCharles P. Anderson
Cummins himself, towards the formation of the Reformed Episcopal Church." November 10, the bishop addressed a letter to bishop Smith, his superior in the diocese of Kentucky, and the presiding bishop of the general Church, resigning his position as a bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church. ...
I look back on those nearly two weeks in Salt Lake City with a sense of gratitude for what the Church accomplished. We electedBishop Michael Curry the new Presiding Bishop. We passed legislation in support of therights of immigrants and refugees. We passed anew initiative on ...
Participants in the live webcast will be: Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori; President of the House of Deputies Bonnie Anderson; Executive Officer and Secretary of the General Convention, the Rev. Gregory Straub; and Bishop Catherine Waynick of the...
government. We have a senate (House of Bishops), and a house of representatives (House of Deputies). We also have a president called the Presiding Bishop. These groups, along with the Executive Council, work to guide the Episcopal Church through our church’s constitution and the canons (...
book. In 1787 English bishopsconsecratedWhite as bishop ofPennsylvaniaandSamuel Provoostas bishop ofNew York. Two years later White became the first presiding bishop of the new church. He was succeeded bySamuel Seabury, who in 1784 had become the first American to be consecrated an Anglican ...