Episcopal Church Elects First Black Presiding BishopBrady McCombsRachel Zoll
The only presiding bishop to take the post at a younger age than Rowe was the first one, William White, who was 41 when he served briefly in 1789 when there was no leadership election. Rowe was 32 in May 2007, when he was elected bishop of the Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania, base...
Episcopal presiding bishop marks community center dedicationAESHA DUVAL
Participants in the live webcast will be: Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori; President of the House of Deputies Bonnie Anderson; Executive Officer and Secretary of the General Convention, the Rev. Gregory Straub; and Bishop Catherine Waynick of the...
Cummins himself, towards the formation of the Reformed Episcopal Church." November 10, the bishop addressed a letter to bishop Smith, his superior in the diocese of Kentucky, and the presiding bishop of the general Church, resigning his position as a bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church. ...
presiding bishop of the Church was the senior bishop in order of consecration, until 1910, when an amendment to the constitution was adopted providing for his election by the General Convention. A special feature of the government of the Church is the power given to the laymen. In the paris...
Describes the approach used by Episcopal Church presiding bishop Frank Griswold in handling the controversy over the election of an openly gay bishop. Views on Christ and the church; Typical day of Griswold amid the controversy; Claims he made about dispossession and trust in Christ. 年份: 2004 ...
The article reports on the House of Bishops' election for new Presiding Bishop of Episcopal Church at the 64th triennial convention in Louisville, Kentucky. It mentions the controversial issues regarding the approval of the ordinance which allows women to be seated in the House of Deputies and th...
Quotes from Frank Griswold, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church
Presiding Bishop Curry speaks outside the Hutto Migrant Detention Center. Photo credit: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma. A Spirit of Gracious Compromise.Previous Conventions have featured win-or-lose politics, mostly focused around issues of human sexuality. In 2015, The Episcopal Church recognized same...