1.首先进入蛋白结构在线预测网站Predict Protein server(https:www.predictprotein.org ),网页界面清晰简洁。 2.我们根据提示将蛋白质序列输入方框中,序列可以用TXT格式打开复制到框中即可。输入完成点击“PredictProtein”,等待预测结果。 3.稍等片刻,预测结果页面出现,点击,查看结果。 4.分析结果。根据出来的预测结果图...
Rost, B. and Liu, J. F. (2003) The PredictProtein server. Nucleic Acids Res. 31 , 3300–3304.Rost B, Yachdav G, and Liu J. The predictprotein server. Nucleic Acids Research, 31(13):3300-3304, 2003.Rost B, Liu J (2003) The PredictProtein server. Nucleic Acids Res 31: 3300-...
[11]Benkert P Kuenzli M,Schwede T.QMEAN Server for Protein Model Quality Estimation[J].Nucleic Acids Res,2009,37:W510-W514. 作者简介:马相如(1977-),男,河南郑州人,讲师,从事生物统计学、生物信息学方面的教学与研究。 作者单位:中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院,武汉 430074 ...
storage for computed results, which predictprotein will produce an accessible andconfigured MySQL server This requires usingDocker bind mountsthat bind-mount a directory from the Docker host to the Docker predictprotein container, which is configured on the command line, when running a container for th...
Secondary structure distribution of human DBH sequence obtained from PredictProtein server.Abhijeet, KapoorManish, ShandilyaSuman, Kundu