It should be noted that in either of the single KO mice, expression of the other gene was also decreased and thus additional effects of double deletion were further severe. Roughly, the deletion of Ppara largely blunted the hepatic gene expression of fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis. It is...
Hébert, Interactions between PPAR gamma and the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in type 2 diabetes and colon cancer. PPAR Res. 2017, 1–9 (2017) D. Ren, T.N. Collingwood, E.J. Rebar, A.P. Wolffe, H.S. Camp, PPARγ knockdown by engineered transcription factors: Exogenous PPARγ...
PPARs are also able to repress transcription by directly interacting with other transcription factors and interfere with their signaling pathways, a mechanism commonly
PPARs are also able to repress transcription by directly interacting with other transcription factors and interfere with their signaling pathways, a mechanism commonly