As part of your application, we expect the following: (1) motivation letter, (2) curriculum vitae (3) transcript of records (BSc and MSc degrees), (4) copy of diplomas (BSc and MSc degrees), (5) a sample of technical writing in English, e.g. a paper with you as main author, or...
第一课时立场文件PositionPaper Point.1什么是立场文件 立场文件是某个国家或者是组织在某个特定议题上的立场概要。简单的来说,就是别人要从你的立场文件了解东西(包括双方共同利益啊,相互对立立场啊,资源优势啊等等一堆,甚至可以了解你的水准如何),你也可以从别人的立场文件中获得你想得到的重要信息,有利于后续双方...
To finish a good position paper or speech, you could refer to: ·Country Information Highlight the key factors you need to know about your country from the basic information on the one you will be representing. ·Newspaper Articles Try to have the most up-to-date information available if th...
Social inequalities in health and disease are well studied. Less information is available on inequalities in biomarker levels indicating subclinical stages of disease such as cystatin C, an early diagnostic marker of renal dysfunction and predictor for cardiovascular disease. We evaluated the relationship...
3、ourcountryspositiononthetopic;majoractionsthathavebeentakennationallyandgloballyregardingthetopic;suggestionsforpossiblesolutionstotheissue.Tofinishagoodpositionpaperorspeech,youcouldreferto:CountryInformationHighlightthekeyfactorsyouneedtoknowaboutyourcountryfromthebasicinformationontheoneyouwillbe ...
Tofinishagoodpositionpaperorspeech,youcouldreferto: ·CountryInformation Highlightthekeyfactorsyouneedtoknowaboutyourcountryfromthebasic informationontheoneyouwillberepresenting. ·NewspaperArticles Trytohavethemostup-to-dateinformationavailableifthetopichasrecentlybeenin ...
Furthermore, although we noted earlier that the complexity resulting from the multi-level reflection will not be exhausted in this paper, however, we will only draw attention to a crucial point that is related to our analysis, especially to the interaction between SoA and SoO. We mean the rol...
Perceived discrimination was associated with severity of psychotic and depressive symptoms in ethnic minority patients. Both weak and strong ethnic identification, as well as experiences of social adversity, were related to risk for psychosis. Low neonatal vitamin D was associated with adult risk for ...
relevance. When pursuing these comparisons, many combinations of dyads are of interest. For this paper, we have identified four potential combinations that are relevant in rehabilitation settings: (1) Patient–Patient, (2) Patient–Therapist, (3) Patient–Healthy, and (4) Patient–Machine (Fig....
it maintained its title of "Top Ten Influential Enterprises in China's Solid Waste Industry" and was awarded "Leading Enterprise in China's Strategic Emerging Environmental Protection Industry in 2018"; its projects were listed as excellent cases in "Zhejiang Province 2017 White Paper on Environmenta...