A good position paper will not only provide facts but also make proposals for resolutions. It shall contain the followings:·a brief statement on the significance of the topic; ·a clear statement of your country’s position on the topic;·major actions that have been taken nationally and ...
b) a statement of research interests and career goals (max 2pages), indicating why you are interested in this position c) a sample of technical writing, e.g. a paper with you as main author, or your master’s thesis d) a brief report (max 2 pages in PDF) covering your solution to...
(4) copy of diplomas (BSc and MSc degrees), (5) a sample of technical writing in English, e.g. a paper with you as main author, or your bachelor or master thesis, (6) proof of proficiency in English (TOEFL or IETLS
Position paper is a written statement of your nation’s view on the topic. Using outside research, delegates should describe the essential stance their nation has on the issue being discussed. Many delegates use their position papers for their first speech in the committee, either by reading sec...
3、ourcountryspositiononthetopic;majoractionsthathavebeentakennationallyandgloballyregardingthetopic;suggestionsforpossiblesolutionstotheissue.Tofinishagoodpositionpaperorspeech,youcouldreferto:CountryInformationHighlightthekeyfactorsyouneedtoknowaboutyourcountryfromthebasicinformationontheoneyouwillbe ...
Tofinishagoodpositionpaperorspeech,youcouldreferto: ·CountryInformation Highlightthekeyfactorsyouneedtoknowaboutyourcountryfromthebasic informationontheoneyouwillberepresenting. ·NewspaperArticles Trytohavethemostup-to-dateinformationavailableifthetopichasrecentlybeenin ...
第一篇:模联印度立场文件Position Paper of India英文版 Committee: The United Nations Environmental Protection Agency Topic: The Prevention& Control of atmospheric pollution Country: The Republic of India Delegate: Sun Jiangwenxiu&DiYa Atmospheric pollution has become the world's biggestenvironmental problem...
资源描述: 《PositionPpaper(立场文件)英文简介及模板》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PositionPpaper(立场文件)英文简介及模板(3页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。 1、WhatisPositionPaper? Positionpaperisawrittenstatementofyournation'sviewonthetopic.Usingoutside research,delegatesshoulddescribetheessentialstancethe...
Clinical Ophthalmology Dovepress open access to scientific and medical research Open Access Full Text Article REVIEW Dry Eye Disease in the Middle East and Northern Africa: A Position Paper on the Current State and Unmet Needs Sihem Lazreg 1, Mohamed Hosny 2, Muhammad A Ahad3, Mazen M Sinjab ...