In accordance with the 1950 Indian constitution, all castes have equal rights. Caste discrimination has been prohibited by law (1955), and special measures have been undertaken to improve the economic and social status of the untouchables and “backward tribes.” Nevertheless, caste differences are...
(seeRACE,ETHNICITY). The term has been used in a variety of ways to describe both systems of thought and doctrines which justify the biological superiority of one social group over another, through to descriptions of practices and attitudes which produce racialDISCRIMINATIONand disadvantage. The ...
“It’s not about one specific individual. It’s the economic system that we have created where the billionaires are now pretty much being able to shape economic policies, social policies, which eventually gives them more and more profit,” said Amitabh Behar, executive director of Ox...
1. The global landscape is witnessing profound economic and social changes, particularly in countries with advanced economic development, such as China, the United States, Singapore, South Korea, J...
We suggest that single adults in contemporary American society are targets of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination, a phenomenon we will call singlism. Singlism is an outgrowth of a largely uncontested set of beliefs, the Ideology of Marriage and Family. Its premises include the assumptions ...
The test mouse could then again freely explore the whole apparatus for 5 min to evaluate its social discrimination. In all these stages, time spent in each compartment and contact with the cup (close interaction) was automatically recorded. To distinguish the social ability, we introduced the ...
social identity is an evaluation which imparts positive or negative status. The social identity approach in modern social psychology originated in the work of Henri Tajfel, and his attempt to explain intergroup discrimination and conflict in ‘minimal group’ conditions, i.e. where group members ...
Looking for Drug Disease? Find out information about Drug Disease. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia . It might be outdated or ideologically biased. the undesirable or harmful side effects of... Explanation of Drug Disease
Summary: according to previous research, this article social identity, discrimination against migrant children of negative emotion, perception, mental health, and other psychological characteristics of induction and analysis, for migrant children these psychological issues, from family, school, soci ...