Purpose -- The purpose of this paper is to use a risk management perspective to identify the risks of employment discrimination law liability for multinational employers. Design/methodology/approach -- Data from 101 US Federal Court cases that involved multinational employers operating both inside and...
For example, the benefits of ML and big data are often summarized as efficiency, objectivity, and consistency; the risks, meanwhile, include replicating historical discrimination and oversimplifying nuanced situations. While this perspective tracks when technology replaces capricious human judgements, it ...
学者经常讨论的话题之一,女性就业歧视一直以来是就业市场的顽疾。通过对某医学院校女大学生就业歧 视的现状、原因进行分析,提出解决对策,希望在传统观念、女性自身素质、法律等方面得以改善,以改变女大 学生就业歧视的不理想现象。 关键词:女大学生;就业歧视;传统观念;自身素质 中图分类号:G647.38 文献标识码:A 随着...
Employment discrimination is the situation where two identical workers are treated differently in terms of access to a particular job, internal promotion, tasks assignment, wages, or firing decisions. Usually, employment discrimination is related to gender, racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination. D...
Employment discrimination based on race, ethnicity, and nationality remains prevalent in many countries. Formal and interpersonal discrimination have a variety of negative individual and organizational consequences including employee attitudes, employee performance, and financial implications for the organization....
Bystudyingthepresentresearchachievement,thewriterforms hisownexplanationofthediscriminationandemploymentdiscrimination. 在综合考察现有研究成果的基础上,笔者提出了自己的歧视和就业歧视概念。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. Thebehaviorthatjob seekerscheatemployingunittoavoidtheemploymentdiscriminationis not fraudulent. ...
Employment discrimination: the role of implicit attitudes, motivation, and a climate for racial bias. 来自 APA 喜欢 0 阅读量: 66 作者:Jonathan C,Ziegert,Paul J,Hanges 摘要: This study is an attempt to replicate and extend research on employment discrimination by A. P. Brief and colleagues ...
No wonder so many women find it so hard to find the time or energy to research the law, seek advice and lodge a well drafted legal claim within three months of the discrimination they have suffered. No wonder that so few feel ready to stump up £1,200 to get a case lodged and ...
Age Discrimination In Higher Education The paper will first describe the historical context of the Age Discrimination Act of 1967 and then present research to suggest that younger employees do experience discrimination based on their age. The subsequent sections will describe how discrimination of young...
Analysis of the coupling coordinated development of the population–water–ecology–economy system in urban agglomerations and obstacle factors discrimination: A case study of the Tianshan North Slope Urban Agglomeration, China. Sustain. Cities Soc. 90, 104359 (2023). Article Google Scholar Wang, R...