2018年诺华公司Beverly M等发表在Anal Bioanal Chem杂志的一篇文章,《Poly A tail length analysis of in vitro transcribed mRNA by LC-MS》,研究基于RNAse T1酶切与oligo dT磁珠纯化得到polyA尾,使用液相色谱质谱联用(LC-MS)检测polyA尾长度的分布,目前该策略是当前mRNA体外制备工艺中较为常用的方法。2022年...
基于核酸酶切割的poly A尾长度分析策略使用较为广泛,使用RNase T1将mRNA 3’端polyA切割纯化,然后通过高分辨LC-MS分离鉴别不同长度的polyA序列。 2.1酶切处理 据2018年诺华公司Beverly M等发表的文章:《Poly A tail length analysis of in vitro transcribed mRNA by LC-MS》,研究人员基于RNAse T1酶切与oligo ...
3'-End processing of pre-mRNA in eukaryotes. NA Degradation in Saccharomyces cerevisae. The Human Nuclear Poly(A)-Binding Protein Promotes RNA Hyperadenylation and Decay. Role of poly (A) tail as an identity element for mRNA nuclear export. ...
据2018年诺华公司Beverly M等发表的文章:《Poly A tail length analysis of in vitro transcribed mRNA by LC-MS》,研究人员基于RNAse T1酶切与oligo dT磁珠纯化得到3’端polyA尾,使用液相色谱质谱联用(LC-MS)检测polyA尾长度的分布。 具体步骤包括:RNase T1酶切、mRNA 3’端polyA磁珠纯化(oligo dT)。RNase T1...
[8] Lai WC, Zhu M, Belinite M, Ermolenko DN, et al. Intrinsically Unstructured Sequences in the mRNA 3' UTR Reduce the Ability of Poly(A) Tail to Enhance Translation. J Mol Biol. 2022 Dec 30;434(24):167877. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2022.167877. ...
mRNA, PolyA Tail, OocytesLin, R
Beverly M等人(“Poly A tail length analysis of in vitro transcribedmRNA by LC-MS”,《Anal Bioanal Chem》,2018年)提出了一种定量分析mRNA的polyA尾长度的方法,该方法基于内切酶RNase T1可专一性地在单链RNA的鸟嘌呤核糖核苷酸(G)以及3’端相邻核糖核苷酸间进行切割磷酸二酯键,通过polyA尾与oligo dT磁珠特异...
mRNA aftertranscription, helped export the mRNA to the cytoplasm (Darnellet al.1971). Once the mRNA got into the cytoplasmic space, the shorter poly(A) tail was not sufficient to permitproteintranslation. It turns out that the length of the poly(A) tails in the cytoplasm is extremely ...