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[7]Liquori Alessandro,Ibañez Mariam,Sargas Claudia et al. PML-RARA Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia: A Constellation of Molecular Events around a Single Fusion Gene.[J] .Cancers (Basel), 2020, 12: undefined. [8] De Braekeleer Etienne,Douet-Guilbe...
急性早幼粒细胞白血病两种PMLRARα融合基因亚型的临床研究 万方数据
promyelocytic , acute ; all‐trans‐retinoic acid ; arsenic trioxide ; PML‐RARa fusion gene△, Chen Jianbin , Wang Jianyu , Xiao Qin 急性早幼粒细胞白血病(acute promyelocytic leukemia ,APL)是急性髓系白血病的一个特殊亚型 , 其发病的分子基础是因特异性染色体 t(15;17)易位形成的 PML‐RARa 融合基...
detectionofPML/RARafusion gene inacute promyelocytic leukemia Abstract Acute promyelocyticleukemia(APE)accounts for approximately 10%to15% ofallcasesofacute myeloidleukemia(AML).APLpatients areofdistinct cytomophologycytogenetics andmolecular biology.95%of ...
13、 Key words realtime quantitative RTPCR; acute promyelocytic leukemia; PMLRARa fusion gene; minimal residual disease 实时定量RTPCR检测急性早幼粒细胞白血病PMLRARa融合基因 急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APL)具有特异性的染色体易位t(15;17)易位,使17号染色体上的RARa基因与15号染色体上PML基因融合 14、,产生融合...
Key words realtime quantitative RTPCR; acute promyelocytic leukemia; PMLRARa fusion gene; minimal residual disease 实时定量RTPCR检测急性早幼粒细胞白血病PMLRARa融合基因急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APL)具有特异性的染色体易位t(15;17)易位,使17号染色体上的RARa基因与15号染色体上PML基因融合,产生融合基因PMLRARa。实...
ObjectiveTo construct, express, and purify the prokaryotic expression vector for PML-RARα fusion gene related proteins. MethodsPML-RARα-pET32a(+) plasmid was used as a template and 1 200 bp sequences of PML and RARα were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and subcloned into expression ...
(一)APL伴PML-RARA The sensitivity of APL cells to tretinoin(also called all-trans retinoic acid) has led to the discovery that the RARA gene on 17q21.2 fuses with a nuclear regulatory factor gene on 15q24.1 (PML), giving rise t...
The promyelocytic leukaemia protein (PML) gene was found at the t(15;17) translocation of acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL), which generates the PML/RARa fusion gene. PML/RARa is the oncogene of APL and is believed to act mainly by blocking haematopoietic differentiation at the promyelocytic ...