内容提示: PLATFORM COMPETITION INTWO-SIDED MARKETSJean-Charles RochetUniversite ´ de Toulouse,Institut D’Economie IndustrielleJean TiroleInstitut D’Economie Industrielle,Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches enAnalyse Socio-EconomiqueAbstractMany if not most markets with network externalitiesare two-sided. ...
PlatformCompetitioninTwo-SidedMarkets Jean-CharlesRochet ∗ JeanTirole † December13,2002 Abstract Manyifnotmostmarketswithnetworkexternalitiesaretwo-sided.Tosucceed, platformsinindustriessuchassoftware,portalsandmedia,paymentsystemsand theInternet,must“getbothsidesofthemarketonboard”.Accordingly,platforms d...
” Accordingly, platforms devote much attention to their business model, that is, to how they court each side while making money overall. This paper builds a model of platform competition with two-sided markets. It unveils the determinants of price allocation and end-user surplus for different ...
Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets Jean-Charles Rochet? Jean Tirole? December 13, 2002 Abstract Many if not most markets with network externalities are two-sided. To succeed, platforms in industries such as software, portals and media, payment systems and the Internet, must “get both ...
内容提示: Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets:The Case of Payment NetworksSujit ChakravortiRoberto Roson∗May 27, 2005AbstractIn this article, we construct a model to study competing payment networks,where networks offer differentiated products in terms of benefits to con-sumers and merchants...
Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets: The Case of Payment Networks Sujit Chakravorti Roberto Roson ? May 27, 2005 Abstract In this article, we construct a model to study competing payment networks, where networks offer differentiated products in terms of bene?ts to consumers and merchants. ...
Platform Competition in Two-sided Markets and Welfare Implications Online-to-offline (O2O) services permeate our daily life and consumption along with the advanced technology in e-commerce. In this study, motivated by taxi... WJ Cho - 《Journal of Economic Theory & Econometrics》 被引量: 0发表...
PlatformCompetitioninTwo-SidedMarkets:TheCaseofPaymentNetworksSujitChakravortiRobertoRoson∗October31,2004AbstractInthisarticle,weconstructamodeltostudycompetingpaymentnet-works,wherenetworksofferdifferentiatedproductsintermsofbene -ketstructures:duopolisticcompetitionandcartel,symmetricandasymmet-ricnetworks, -mentnetwor...
While a deeper understanding of how to create viable multi-sided platforms in a context of fierce competition is needed, prior platform research has largely neglected competitive interactions in the process of creating and growing new organizational forms that mediate transactions between user groups, ...