two-sided marketplatformbundlingprice elasticity of demandWhen a consumer can appear on both sides of a two-sided market, such as a user who both buys and sells on eBay, the platform may want to bundle the services itSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
内容提示: PLATFORM COMPETITION INTWO-SIDED MARKETSJean-Charles RochetUniversite ´ de Toulouse,Institut D’Economie IndustrielleJean TiroleInstitut D’Economie Industrielle,Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches enAnalyse Socio-EconomiqueAbstractMany if not most markets with network externalitiesare two-sided. ...
xed user costs and nonlinear platform pricing. Section 7 summarizes the main results and provides seven “mini case studies” to illustrate how our theory may shed light on existing and future business models. Last, Section 8 concludes with some general considerations about two-sided markets. As ...
sidedmarketsplatformcompetitionadvertizersplatforms PlatformCompetitioninTwo-SidedMarkets Jean-CharlesRochet ∗ JeanTirole † December13,2002 Abstract Manyifnotmostmarketswithnetworkexternalitiesaretwo-sided.Tosucceed, platformsinindustriessuchassoftware,portalsandmedia,paymentsystemsand theInternet,must“getboths...
A Study on Platform’s Tying Strategy in Two-sided Markets许多行业例如银行卡,电子交易中介,搜索引擎,招聘网站,媒体,购物中心,房屋中介等属于双边市场,它们同时服务于两方或者多方不同的用户群体,起到衔接不同用户群体的作用,衔接不同用户群的企业称为平台企业,简称平台.双边市场的用户通常可以分为"补贴方"和"...
Many if not most markets with network externalities are two-sided. To succeed, platforms in industries such as software, portals and media, payment systems and the Internet, must “get both sides of the market on board.” Accordingly, platforms devote much attention to their business model, tha...
Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets:The Case of Payment NetworksSujit ChakravortiRoberto Roson∗October 31, 2004AbstractIn this article, we construct a model to study competing payment net-works, where networks offer differentiated products in terms of benefits toconsumers and merchants. We stu...
” Accordingly, platforms devote much attention to their business model, that is, to how they court each side while making money overall. This paper builds a model of platform competition with two-sided markets. It unveils the determinants of price allocation and end-user surplus for different ...
Networks providing payment services are two-sided markets. Rochet and Tirole (2004) state that a necessary condition for a two-sided market is the failure of Coase theorem. A key observation in the market for payment services is that merchants generally charge the same price regardless of the ...