No. 3, Autumn 2006pp. 668–691Competitionintwo-sidedmarketsMark Armstrong ∗Many markets involve two groups of agents who interact via “platforms,” where one group’sbenef i t from joining a platform depends on the size of the other group that joins the platform.I present...
Armstrong-2006-Competition-in-two-sided-markets课件课件课件.pdf,RAND Journal of Economics Vol. 37, No. 3, Autumn 2006 pp. 668–69 Competition in two-sided markets Mark Armstrong∗ Many markets involve two groups of agents who interact via “platforms,
内容提示: Competition in TwoSided Markets 双边市场竞争 CompetitioninTwo-SidedMarkets?? MarkArmstrong DepartmentofEconomics UniversityCollegeLondon August2002:revisedMay2005 Abstract Therearemanyexamplesofmarketsinvolvingtwogroupsofagentswhoneedtointeractvia“platforms”,andwhereonegroup’sbene…tfromjoininga...
Competition in Two-Sided Markets Mark Armstrong Department of Economics University College London August 2002: revised May 2005 Abstract There are many examples of markets involving two groups of agents who need to interact via “platforms” , and where one group’ s bene…t from joining a ...
CompetitioninTwoSidedMarkets双边市场竞争 CompetitioninTwo-SidedMarkets?? MarkArmstrong DepartmentofEconomics UniversityCollegeLondon August2002:revisedMay2005 Abstract Therearemanyexamplesofmarketsinvolvingtwogroupsofagentswhoneedtointer actvia“platforms”,andwhereonegroup’sbene…tfromjoiningaplatformdependso ...
Competition in Two-Sided Markets Many markets involve two groups of agents who interact via "platforms," where one group's benefit from joining a platform depends on the size of the other group that joins the platform. I present three models of such markets: a monopoly ... Mark Armstrong ...
内容提示: PLATFORM COMPETITION INTWO-SIDED MARKETSJean-Charles RochetUniversite ´ de Toulouse,Institut D’Economie IndustrielleJean TiroleInstitut D’Economie Industrielle,Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches enAnalyse Socio-EconomiqueAbstractMany if not most markets with network externalitiesare two-sided. ...
competition-strategies-in-two-sided-markets-双边市场中的竞争策略ppt英文版.ppt,Borderless Management Shanghai International Studies University MBA Program Competition Strategies in Two-Sided Markets ---By G4 PT3 Content Preface- “ 11.11” and “12.12”
Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets Jean-Charles Rochet? Jean Tirole? December 13, 2002 Abstract Many if not most markets with network externalities are two-sided. To succeed, platforms in industries such as software, portals and media, payment systems and the Internet, must “get both ...
Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets:The Case of Payment NetworksSujit ChakravortiRoberto Roson∗October 31, 2004AbstractIn this article, we construct a model to study competing payment net-works, where networks offer differentiated products in terms of benefits toconsumers and merchants. We stu...