Kim, Byung-Cheol, Jeongsik Lee, and Hyunwoo Park (2017). "Two-sided platform competition with multihoming agents: An empirical study on the daily deals mar- ket". Information Economics and Policy. Accepted article published online. DOI: 10.1016/j.infoecopol.2017.06.006....
In particular, we consider competition between two platforms that offer a common service (e.g., rides) through a set of independent service providers (e.g., drivers) to a market of customers. Each platform sets a price that is charged to customers for obtaining service provided by a driver...
内容提示: PLATFORM COMPETITION INTWO-SIDED MARKETSJean-Charles RochetUniversite ´ de Toulouse,Institut D’Economie IndustrielleJean TiroleInstitut D’Economie Industrielle,Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches enAnalyse Socio-EconomiqueAbstractMany if not most markets with network externalitiesare two-sided. ...
Vertical differentiation and platform competition in two-sided markets Software platforms such as Apple iOS and Google Android differ from the traditional platforms in terms of their revenue resources from the commission of the third-party software sales.However,the literature has paid little attention ...
“getbothsidesofthemarketonboard”.Accordingly,platforms devotemuchattentiontotheirbusinessmodel,thatistohowtheycourteachside whilemakingmoneyoverall.Thepaperbuildsamodelofplatformcompetition withtwo-sidedmarkets.Itunveilsthedeterminantsofpriceallocationandend- usersurplusfordifferentgovernancestructures(profit-...
Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets Jean-Charles Rochet? Jean Tirole? December 13, 2002 Abstract Many if not most markets with network externalities are two-sided. To succeed, platforms in industries such as software, portals and media, payment systems and the Internet, must “get both ...
” Accordingly, platforms devote much attention to their business model, that is, to how they court each side while making money overall. This paper builds a model of platform competition with two-sided markets. It unveils the determinants of price allocation and end-user surplus for different ...
First, they provide a general framework to model platform competition that is applicable to various markets. Second, they are able to characterize the determinants of price allocation between end-users. There may be instances where one end-user subsidizes the other. Third, they ?nd that the ...
内容提示: Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets:The Case of Payment NetworksSujit ChakravortiRoberto Roson∗May 27, 2005AbstractIn this article, we construct a model to study competing payment networks,where networks offer differentiated products in terms of benefits to con-sumers and merchants...
“platforms,” where one group’sbenef i t from joining a platform depends on the size of the other group that joins the platform.I present three models of such markets: a monopoly platform; a model of competing platformswhere agents join a single platform; and a model of “competitive ...