1.2 质粒多聚体形成机制:同源重组 1976年,J R Bedbrook等在Cell发表文章:《Recombination between bacterial plasmids leading to the formation of plasmid multimers》,他们发现pMB9质粒DNA在rec+大肠杆菌中呈现出各种不同的大小,更大形式的pMB9质粒DNA是最小的MB9质粒多聚体。这种质粒多聚体的形成是通过两...
内毒素,又称脂多糖或LPS,是大肠杆菌等革兰氏阴性菌细胞膜的组成部分,如大肠杆菌(参见"Bacterial cell wall")。内毒素在质粒裂解纯化过程中释放出来,并显著降低内毒素敏感细胞株的转染效率。此外,内毒素与DNA竞争“自由”转染试剂,影响转染实验中质粒DNA的摄取。内毒素也诱导巨噬细胞和B细胞等免疫细胞发生非特异性...
The procedure has been used successfully for isolation of the large (128 kb), very-low-copynumber (1-2 copies per cell) plasmid pHCG3 and its derivatives fromOligotropha carboxidovorans. Yield of plasmid DNA was typically 3-6 µg plasmid DNA from 200 ml culture. ...
During the plasmid purification process, large amounts of endotoxins are released from lysed bacteria, which can negatively impact cell growth, cell viability, transfection efficiency, protein expression, and even mimic sepsis in humans. Thermo Fisher offers purification kits that span necessary p...
During the plasmid purification process, large amounts of endotoxins are released from lysed bacteria, which can negatively impact cell growth, cell viability, transfection efficiency, protein expression, and even mimic sepsis in humans. Thermo Fisher offers purification kits that span necessary p...
(Cos-7, HEK293, HeLa, and Huh-7) were grown to 80-90% confluence and transfected with 100 ng of each plasmid, in complex with 0.3 μl Lipofectamine 2000, and 10 μl Opti-MEM. Five replicates for each cell type were performed using both DNA preps. GFP expressing cells were counted ...
#动态#Cell Stem Cell:肠道间质细胞中 Aspn 调控上皮修复 #技术#TUM科学家开发了使用紫外线的新蛋白质纯化方法 品牌:Qiagen试剂盒 货号:12965 保存条件:按照外包装指示进行保存 深圳子科生物科技有限公司专业渠道代理凯杰Qiagen试剂盒,产品种类齐全,大量现货,折扣低,提供售后服务,详细的产品报价和货期请咨询在线客服,...
Tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms in the IRF1 and IRF8 genes and tuberculosis susceptibility. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e42104.[2] Gao J, et al. Identification of a natural compound by cell-based screening that enhances interferon regulatory factor-1 activity and causes tumor suppression. Mol ...
[3] Kim YJ, et al. C6 glioma cell insoluble matrix components enhance interferon-gamma- stimulated inducible nitric-oxide synthase/nitric oxide production in BV2 microglial cells. J Biol Chem. 283(5):2526-33(2008). [4] Ahmed CM, Johnson HM. IFN-gamma and its receptor subunit IFNGR1 are...
[1] Tabata H, Hara T, Kitajima K. Inhibitory action of an ERK1/2 inhibitor on primitive endoderm cell differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells[J]. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 2019, 512(2): 399-404. [2] Fujiwara T, Yokoyama H, Okitsu Y, et al. Gene expres...