出版地区:United States 出版周期:双月刊 国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN0147-619X 创刊时间:1977年 收录汇总栏目浏览期刊详情 收录汇总 出版文献 期刊详情 分析评价 目录 封面 1984年01期 共:9篇 不详 CONSTRUCTION OF A CLONING SITE NEAR ONE END OF TN917 INTO WHICH FOREIGN DNA MAY BE INSERTED WITHOUT AFFECTI...
ConstructionofplasmidvectorpAFP--HSVtk-IRES2-EGFPandits efectonthecytotoxicityofganciclovirtohepatocellularcarcinoma LaiZhiyong,QinQin,YuBaofeng,XieJun,GaoRanpeng,ZhangTiantian,LiChunfeng,NiuKaiandXuJun Keywords:hepatocellularcarcinoma,"genetherapy,"a-fetoproteinpromoter,"thymidinekinase;ganciclovir BackgroundHerpes...
provides pSLIC-PuroP2A lentivirus construction kit to let user create the lentivirus plasmid expressing the gene of interest. This kit comes with SLIC enzyme and a lentivirusplasmid which contains puromycin resistance gene and P2A sequence. SLIC (sequence and ligationindependent cloning) allows users...
Construction of a Nocardia brasiliensis fluorescent plasmid to study Actinomycetoma pathogenicity SalinasCarmona, Mario C.RochaPizana, Maria R. 25-31 Nucleotide sequence of the Serratia entomophila plasmid pADAP and the Serratia proteamaculans pU143 plasmid virulence associated region Hurst, Mark R. ...
StandardplasmidconstructionofgeneIL28Bpolymorphismdetection WANGCongyang (SchoolofBiomedicalScience,InstitutesofMolecularMedicine,HuaqiaoUniversity,Quanzhou362021,China) Abstract:Geneticpolymorphism(genotypesofAA,AGandGG)ofrs12980275nearIL28Bgenewascloselyassociatedwithpeginter ...
select article Construction of the mobilizable plasmid pMV158GFP, a derivative of pMV158 that carries the gene encoding the green fluorescent protein Short communicationAbstract only Construction of the mobilizable plasmid pMV158GFP, a derivative of pMV158 that carries the gene encoding the green fluo...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN received: 26 January 2016 accepted: 04 May 2016 Published: 26 May 2016 Construction of plasmid-free Escherichia coli for the production of arabitol-free xylitol from corncob hemicellulosic hydrolysate Buli Su, Zhe Zhang, Mianbin Wu, Jianping Lin & ...
The plasmid DNA was fragmented with dsDNA Fragmentase (NEB, Hitchin, United Kingdom) to make a proper size for library construction. The DNA fragments were processed with the TruSeq DNA sample preparation kit v 2 (Illumina, San Diego, CA) in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. ...
Construction of potential plasmid transfer network Based on the number and identity of plasmids associated with differ- ent hosts, we constructed a network of putative horizontal plasmid transmission events. Specifically, a plasmid transfer event was pre- sumed to have occurred if plasmids with the ...
Construction of deletion mutants Mutants were created using an integration-excision system based on the thermosensitive plasmid pGhost9 (Maguin et al. 1996) with added 3′ terminal thymidine to both ends after EcoRV digestion, as previously described (Radziwill-Bienkowska et al. 2016). The mutants...