A high-throughput single-cell RNA expression profiling method identifies human pericyte markers. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2023;49(6): e12942. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Ding Y, Zhong Y, Baldeshwiler A, Abner EL, Bauer B, Hartz AMS. Protecting P-glycoprotein at ...
and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) in brain capillaries isolated from AD and CNI brain tissue samples by immunostaining (Fig.7). We analyzed the mean fluorescence intensities across the capillary endothelial cell membranes and found that claudin-5 immunofluorescence was 971 ± 129 ...
We provide updated guidance and standards for the indication, acquisition, and interpretation of [18F]FDG PET/CT for plasma cell disorders. Procedures and
一、plasma 浆细胞成熟的阶段已经通过在不同位置和免疫反应的不同阶段进行的大量观察来确定[1]。其范围包括细胞表面标志物的变化,对趋化信号的敏感性以及分泌抗体的能力。但是,这些潜在不同阶段之间的关系仍然不确定,因为不可能确定地说任何两个这样的阶段必须是顺序的。但是,未成熟浆细胞通常保持对趋化信号的响应,并...
(blue). Arrowheads, IRSp53 colocalization with trafficking markers. Scale bar, 10 µm. Right: Intensity profiles of the green and red channels over the vesicular structures (dashed lines in the merge channels).bTop: MDCK cell control (Ctr) and IRSp53-KO were seeded as single cells on...
Automated cell counters are now becoming available, and recent studies suggest that results are highly accurate compared to manual counting methods.10 Multi-color flow cytometry can simultaneously quantify the expression of five or six surface markers on cells in suspension, and this method...
4b) are primarily derived from surrounding organs and cells including several known markers for cell necrosis such as lactate dehydrogenase (Supplementary Fig. 4)22. In addition, cluster 2 is enriched for functional protein groups essential for basal intracellular functions such as cell cycle, ...
The low-molecular weight fraction (LMF) of the human plasma proteome is an invaluable source of biological information, especially in the context of identifying plasma-based biomarkers of disease. This protocol outlines a standardized procedure for the rapid/reproducible LMF profiling of human plasma ...
3.3.1. Circulating Tumour Cell Analysis Microfluidic devices have been used for decades to capture and analyse circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in MM patients’ blood samples. Initially applied to investigate CTCs under flow, these devices can be adapted to include specific surface markers or physical...
Monitoring liver damage using hepatocyte-specific methylation markers in cell-free circulating DNA. JCI Insight 2018, 3, e120687. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] [Green Version] Cheng, A.P.; Cheng, M.P.; Loy, C.J.; Lenz, J.S.; Chen, K.; Smalling, S.; Burnham, P.; ...