Projects Milestones Assignee Sort 👍👎😄🎉😕 ️🚀👀 === Optimizer::BundleAdjustment with lines === #18 openedMay 24, 2024bybrz-hub 1 编译时遇到/usr/bin/ld: ../lib/ undefined reference to `cv::line_descriptor::BinaryDescriptor::createBinaryDescriptor() #...
For running SLAM we can load the default parameters file or employ theconfig_xxxx.yamlfiles provided for every dataset. Usage: ./plslam_dataset <dataset_name> [options] Options: -c Config file -o Offset (number of frames to skip in the dataset directory -n Number of frames to process th... 这里在编译时可能会出现错误,将安装好的g2o文件夹中的cmake_modules文件夹复制到~/pl-slam文件夹中即可。 YAML (tested with 0.5.2) Installation on Ubuntu: sudo apt-getinstall libyaml-cpp-dev stvo-pl It can be found at:
or KITTI), and is compared with state-of-the-art methods such as ORB-SLAM2, revealing a more robust performance in most of the experiments while still running in real time. An open-source version of the PL-SLAM C++ code has been released for the benefit of the community. 如果你对本文...
RGBD-SLAM with Point and Line Features. This project is developed based on the famous ORB_SLAM2. There is still some work to do if you hope it performs better than the original ORB_SLAM2. ---this is a vedio--- Vedio:RGBD SLAM With Point and Line Guidance Features Attached My Blog:h...
Thread 19 "plslam_dataset" hit Breakpoint 2, PLSLAM::MapLine::addMapLineObservation (this=this@entry=0x7fff9001a240, desc_=..., kf_obs_=kf_obs_@entry=1, obs_=..., dir_=..., pts_=..., sigma2_=sigma2_@entry=1) at /home/litw/litw/prjs/pl-slam-master/src/mapFeatures.cp...
2. 重读ORB_SLAM之LocalMapping线程难点(1) 3. VINS 估计器之外参初始化(1) 1. Re:Skimap_ros 利用RGBD创建Octomap(一) @P01470258 兄弟,你找到这个skimap_ros github上的数据集了吗?... --Rookie0814 2. Re:Skimap_ros 利用RGBD创建Octomap(一) ...
PL-SLAM: The method is implemented in《PL-SLAM:Real-time Monocular Visual SLAM with Points and Lines》 - 编译时遇到/usr/bin/ld: ../lib/ undefined reference to `cv::line_descriptor::BinaryDescriptor::createBinaryDescriptor() · Issue #17
代码: 摘要 本文介绍了PLVS:一种稀疏、栅格建图和3D无监督增量分割的实时SLAM系统。PLVS代表Points(点)、Lines(线)、Volumetric mapping(栅格建图)和Segmentation(分割)。它支持RGB-D和双目摄像头,可以选择搭配IMU。SLAM模块是基于关键帧的提取和跟踪稀疏点和线段作为特征。