Magnani L, Eeckhoute J, Lupien M (2011) Pioneer factors: directing transcriptional regulators within the chromatin environment. Trends Genet 27:465–474Magnani L, Eeckhoute J, Lupien M. Pioneer factors: directing transcriptional regulators within the chro- matin environment. Trends Genet. 2011; 27...
Pioneer transcription factors direct cell differentiation by deploying new enhancer repertoires through their unique ability to target and initiate remodelling of closed chromatin. The initial steps of their action remain undefined, although pioneers have been shown to interact with nucleosomal target DNA an...
Pioneer factors are transcription factors with the unique ability to initiate opening of closed chromatin. The stability of cell identity relies on robust mechanisms that maintain the epigenome and chromatin accessibility to transcription factors. Pionee
Pioneer factors such as FoxA target nucleosomal DNA and initiate cooperative interactions at silent genes during development, cellular reprogramming, and steroid hormone induction. Biophysical studies previously showed that the nuclear mobility of FoxA1 is slower than for many other transcription factors, ...
Multiple factors in the origin of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary: the role of environmental stress and Deccan Trap volcanism A review of the scenarios for the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary event is presented and a coherent hypothesis for the origin of the event is formulated... GP ...
China 武汉英中高级中学(武外英中),中国 Pioneer research area: Environmental Studies 环境研究 Pioneer research concentration: Water Quality and Global Environmental Health Pioneer research topic: A Review of Non-classic Biomanipulation Experiments at Freshwater Lakes in China and the Factors that Influence ...
祝贺!2023年《Pioneer学术论文期刊》的入围学者名单出炉,131位小学者的论文获得提名并进入最终评选环节。 Pioneer先锋学术特别自豪地公布,共有131位小学者的论文获得2023年《Pioneer学术论文期刊》的提名。自2014年起,本期刊每年出版,向世界展示高中生所取得的惊人学术成就。
Succession in inland sand ecosystems : which factors determine the occurrence of the tall grass species Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth and Stipa capillat... In many successional series, grass species play an important role in mid-successional stages. Using calcareous sand ecosystems in the north...
Transcription factors (TFs) are essential mediators of epigenetic regulation and modifiers of penetrance. Studies from the past decades have revealed a sub-class of TF that is capable of remodeling closed chromatin states through targeting nucleosomal motifs. This pioneer factor (PF) class of chromatin...