3.Bjørklund MM, et al. Induction of atherosclerosis in mice and hamsters without germline genetic...
3.Bjorklund M M , Hollensen A K , Hagensen M K , et al. Induction of atherosclerosis in mice and hamsters without germline genetic engineering.[J]. Circulation Research, 2014, 114(11):1684-1689. 4.Liu S , X Jiang, X Cui, et al. Smooth muscle-specific HuR knockout induces defective...
文献来源:《Induction of Atherosclerosis in Mice and Hamsters Without Germline Genetic Engineering》; http://weixin.qq.com/r/p0yNlbfEUuotrfP29xm1 (二维码自动识别)发布于 2021-11-29 10:25 动脉粥样硬化 动物模型 工具 赞同3添加评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载 ...
2.Alkindi M, Siminovitch KA, Gupta M, et al.Monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia:targeting PCSK9[J].Can J Cardiol, 2016, 32 (12) :1552-1560 3.Bjorklund M M , Hollensen A K , Hagensen M K , et al. Induction of atherosclerosis in mice and hamsters without g...
CONCLUSION. High-fat diet with added cholesterol-fed AAV-PCSK9-injected C57BL/6 mice can serve as a useful model of integrated metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis that does not require genetic manipulations. 展开 关键词: Hypercholesterolaemia Obesity Metabolic syndrome Atherosclerosis Inflammation ...
AAV-PCSK9DYmouse modelAtomic force microscopyCortical stiffnessEndothelial dysfunctionInvestigating atherosclerosis and endothelial dysfunction has mainly become established in genetically modified ApoE / or LDL-R / mice transgenic models. A new AAV-PCSK9DY DY mouse model with no genetic modification has ...
Recently, an alternative method, using a recombinant adeno-associated-virus (AAV) encoding PCSK9, was intro- duced that can result in atherosclerosis development without using ApoE− / − or LDLR− / − mice.14 PCSK9 is involved in cholesterol metabolism and athero- sclerosis development,...
3.Bjorklund M M , Hollensen A K , Hagensen M K , et al. Induction of atherosclerosis in mice and hamsters without germline genetic engineering.[J]. Circulation Research, 2014, 114(11):1684-1689. 4.Liu S , X Jiang, X Cui, et al. Smooth muscle-specific HuR knockout induces defective...
《Induction of Atherosclerosis in Mice and Hamsters Without Germline Genetic Engineering》;...
3.Bjorklund M M , Hollensen A K , Hagensen M K , et al. Induction of atherosclerosis in mice and hamsters without germline genetic engineering.[J]. Circulation Research, 2014, 114(11):1684-1689. 4.Liu S , X Jiang, X Cui, et al. Smooth muscle-specific HuR knockout induces defective...