In a typical singleplex TaqMan reaction the primer concentrations are 900nM each and the probe has a concentration of 250nM. In a primer limited assay, the primers are typically reduced to 150nM each with the probe concentrations remaining unchanged. ...
Concentration Choose an option2x 2x Quantity-+ Price Learn More Order Choose an option2.5 mL25 mL250 mL Choose an option Choose an optionStandard Choose an option Concentration Choose an option2x 2x Quantity-+ Price Learn More Order Choose an option500µl ...
What should the final primer concentration be in my PCR? My template is GC-rich or supercoiled. How can I optimize my product yield using Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase? 问题解决指南 PCR Troubleshooting Guide
含dNTP 的 SequalPrep™ Long PCR 试剂盒具有极高的扩增成功率(与在多种微生物和平台上针对长达 20 kB 的未优化扩增子进行测试的任意长片段 PCR 试剂盒相比),还无需优化。成功的远程 PCR 与最小优化,高效扩增 PCR 的各种应用,包括在下一代测序 (NGS) 平台上进行医学再测序。
RNA concentration and purity are commonly determined by measuring the ratio of UV absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm. Tired of RNA extractions? Perform cell lysis and RT-qPCR assays directly from cell cultures with SingleShot™ Cell Lysis RT-qPCR Kits — no RNA purification required. Learn ...
引物通常以冻干状态运输和接收。首先创建一个 100 uM 库存溶液(master stock),然后将其稀释为 10 uM 工作溶液(working solution)。这减少了主引物库存经历的冷冻/解冻循环次数,并减少了污染引物的机会。 Materials 材料 Lypholized primers 冻干引物 Sterile dH20 无菌 dH20 ...
Design primers or assays for PCR, qPCR, or sequencing (any species). Software allows customization of ~45 parameters, which can produce qPCR assay designs: With specific primer, probe, or amplicon criteria Across a specified location Around a fixed primer or probe location ...
试剂盒中还包含独特制备的QIAGEN PCR Buffer和CoralLoad PCR Buffer,能在较少的优化过程的PCR条件下,进行高特异性的PCR(参见"Wide annealing-temperature window"和"Tolerance to variable magnesium concentration")。此外,CoralLoad PCR Buffer能使PCR产物直接上样到琼脂糖凝胶,操作简单,能更快得到结果。这次的PCR可...
PCR products may be quantitated by generating a standard curve or quantitated relative to a control gene. Real time PCR quantitation based on a standard curve may utilize plasmid DNA or other forms of DNA in which the absolute concentration of each standard is known. One must be sure, howeve...
Loaded:0% Our latest formulation, PowerTrack SYBR Green Master Mix, has been optimized to increase efficiency by reducing pipetting errors via an optional sample tracking dye and to minimize primer optimization by working with a broad primer Tₘ range. ...