Humanized mice represent a suitable preclinical test system for e.g. therapeutic interventions in various disease settings, including infections. Here, we intended to establish such system for cutaneous leishmaniasis by infecting T, B and NK cellヾeficient mice adoptively transferred with human ...
Humanized Mouse Models Humanized mice can simulate key biological characteristics of human beings, and they are very useful for establishing preclinical pharmacodynamic evaluation models. They can provide suitable pharmacodynamic models for testing protein-derived drugs such as antibodies or antibody-drug ...
PBMC humanized models are important for the study of pre-clinical therapeutics, but donor engraftment rates must be considered when engrafting the mice to create a consistently humanized mouse.Cancer researchSteven BronsonJenny RoweChristoph EberleStephen Festin...
The established B6-Iabnull mice were further backcrossed into NOG mice with a speed congenic technique combining a marker-assisted selection protocol and in vitro fertilization to obtain NOG-Iabnull mice. NOG-B2mnull mice were also established by backcross-mating NOD-scid B2mnull to NOG mice to...
Eight weeks after injection, no animals had died due to the PBMCs transfer. The engrafted human lymphocytes could be determined in the peripheral blood, bone marrow (BM), and spleen of the PBMC-humanized mice, as indicated by the presence of CD45+, CD4+, CD8+, and CD19+human leukocytes...
In the optimized “RESTORE” protocol, preculture was performed at 1.5 × 107 cells in 1.5 mL per well in 24-well suspension culture plates (Greiner) for 2 days. Cells were harvested with ice-cold AB medium and prepared for stimulation as described for fresh cells. GMP-grade TGN1412 was ...
Humanized miceCD8+T cellsIdiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs) are a group of autoimmune disorders characterized by immune cell infiltration of muscle tissue accompanied by inflammation. Treatment of IIMs is challenging, with few effective therapeutic options due to the lack of appropriate models ...
PBMC-engrafted humanized mice models for evaluating immune-related and anticancer drug delivery systemsdoi:10.3389/fmolb.2024.1447315Yoshie KametaniRyoji ItoYoshiyuki ManabeKulski, Jerzy K.Toshiro SekiHitoshi IshimotoTakashi ShiinaFrontiers in Molecular Biosciences...