Hu-PBMC模型是将人PBMC接种到重度免疫缺陷小鼠体内,一般通过静脉注射,接种量5×106cells/200L/只。受体动物接种前通常不需要辐照,防止产生过重的GvHD反应。 GvHD评分 图2:PBMC接种后小鼠体重、GvHD评分、生存率统计 移植不同Donor的PBMC,每周2次小鼠体重测量和GvHD评分,由上图可见,在接种后第3-4周,部分Donor的小...
Hu-PBMC模型是将人PBMC接种到重度免疫缺陷小鼠体内,一般通过静脉注射,接种量5×106cells/200μL/只。受体动物接种前通常不需要辐照,防止产生过重的GvHD反应。 2、GvHD评分 图2:PBMC接种后小鼠体重、GvHD评分、生存率统计 移植不同Donor的PBMC,每周2次小鼠体重测量和GvHD评分,由上图可见,在接种后第3-4周,部分Dono...
1. PBMC小鼠模型存在移植物抗宿主反应(GVHD)。一般来说,小鼠会在PBMC接种后2-4周出现致死性移植物抗宿主反应(GVHD)症状,给药窗口期过短引发,无法满足药效实验的需求; 2. 动物实验设施管控不严格,机会致病菌污染无法消除,导致的免疫缺陷动物免疫泄露引起实验接种PBMC后无法稳定重建人源免疫系统; 3. 仅有60%的健康...
招式一:Donor筛选 不同donor对NDG小鼠上的攻击性有较大差别,如下图所示,3个donor重建后观察体重、体重变化、GvHD评分和生存曲线,可以看到不同donor的反应差别很大,反应太严重的无法满足我们实验的时间窗口,我们选择那些GvHD评分评分适中,体重下降不明显的建立自己的donor库,再...
1A). In addition, based on previous reports showing that CD8+ T cells caused the GVHD manifestations [34], we also evaluated the systemic and muscle-specific changes in immunodeficient mice transplanted with CD8+ T cell-depleted hPBMCs (hPBMCΔCD8T mice) to determine the contribution of the...
Human T cells generated after PBMC injection will attack mouse recipient cells, resulting in graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), so this model can be used to evaluate GvHD drugs. Construction Female NKG mice aged 6 weeks were selected to inject PBMC for the construction of ...
Here we utilized a PBMC humanized NCG mouse model to investigate human T-cell mediated anti-tumor response (>95% CD3+ T-cells by day 21). The challenges encountered with this model include the onset of graft versus host disease (GvHD) and donor variability leading to donor specific ...
Administration of human PBMCs into newly developed murine MHC class I- and class II-deficient NOG (NOG-dKO; NOG- Iab, B2m-double-knockout) mice showed sufficient engraftment of human immune cells with little sign of GVHD. Immunization with influenza vaccine resulted in an increase in influenza...
Acute graft vs. host disease (GVHD), frequently reported during the application of PBMC-humanized mice models, is attracting attention due to the risk of misinterpretation of disease models [31,32]. In the current study, mice transferred with a high dose of cells (1 × 107cells) from ...