Whole genome sequencing Achieve the highest consensus accuracy and uniform coverage for reference quality genomes in humans, plants, animals, and microbes. Learn more Targeted sequencing Accurately detect and uncover all variant types even in hard-to-reach regions of the genome. Learn more Epige...
Whole genome sequencing Achieve the highest consensus accuracy and uniform coverage for reference quality genomes in humans, plants, animals, and microbes. Learn more Targeted sequencing Accurately detect and uncover all variant types even in hard-to-reach regions of the genome. Learn more Epige...
Whole genome sequencing Achieve the highest consensus accuracy and uniform coverage for reference quality genomes in humans, plants, animals, and microbes. Learn more Targeted sequencing Accurately detect and uncover all variant types even in hard-to-reach regions of the genome. Learn more Epige...
PacBio HiFi sequencing has exceptionally accurate long reads and unbiased coverage required to provide comprehensive whole genome sequencing.
Whole genome sequencing De novo assembly(2 Gbs genome) 1 2 Variant detection(2 Gbs genome) Structural varients: 3All variants: 1 Structural varients: 6All variants: 2 Microbial de novo assembly(2 Gb total) 384 384 RNA sequencing ...
WHOLE GENOME SEQUENCING Generate more complete and phased human genome assemblies of diverse populations to better understand the complexity of health and disease. Learn more RNA SEQUENCING Bring certainty to isoform detection with long-read sequencing to decipher how genomic variants drive the phenot...
Microbial whole genome sequencing Generate closed chromosomes and plasmids from even the most repeat-dense and GC-rich genomes, easily, affordably, and at high-throughput.Complete microbial genomes with ease and confidence For most microbes, closed genomes with accessory plasmids can be assembled with...
Comprehensive genome assemblies and variant calling Our whole genome sequencing analysis solutions allow you to choose between easy to use push-button applications or flexible command line tools to generate gold-standard reference genomes, phase haplotypes and call all variant types. Explore ...
real-time Short-read sequencing Structural variant Tandem Repeat GenoTyper Whole genome sequencing ...
Whole Genome Sequencing Targeted Sequencing Complex Populations RNA Sequencing Epigenetics 其中全基因组测序应该是PacBio的拿手好戏,因为它这么贵(貌似是二代的10倍),但它的核心优势就是长,还有无偏向性;这在科研上可就立马变成香饽饽了,现在用纯二代技术根本就发不了基因组的文章了,稍微高端点的分析都会用上三...