Do you know what a DBA does all day? Learn more about the role of a DBA, how responsibilities evolve over a DBA's career, and how the role is changing over time.
select * from user_role_privs; --->当前用户被授予的角色 select * from dba_role_privs; --->全部用户被授予的角色 select * from dba_roles; --->查看所有角色 Select * from ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS; --->查看所有角色被赋予的角色 基本权限查询: select * from session_privs; --->当前用户所拥有的全...
1. DBA_ROLES 2. DBA_ROLE_PRIVS 3. DBA_USERS 4. None of the above Q. 10 : Where can you obtain the SID and Serial # from 1. DBA_PROCESS 2. DBA_SESSION 3. V$SESSION 4. None of the above Q. 11 : What is the effect of the following command " Alter system kill session ‘12...
select * from user_role_privs; --->当前用户被授予的角色 select * from dba_role_privs; --->全部用户被授予的角色 select * from dba_roles; --->查看所有角色 Select * from ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS; --->查看所有角色被赋予的角色 基本权限查询: select * from session_privs; --->当前用户所拥有的全...
可通过查询数据字典 DBA_ROLES 获取数据库中的全部角色信息。 Oracle 数据库中有很多预定义角色,可以通过授予这些角色来管理数据库中的对象和用户的权限。所谓预定义角色就是安装数据库之后就存在的角色。常见的一些预定义角色: 举例: -- 创建内部管理员账号密码;createuserhydb identifiedbyoracle;--将dba权限授...
SYS@ora19c>CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb1 ADMIN USER pdb_mgr1 IDENTIFIED BY oracle roles=(dba) file_name_convert=('/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ORA19C/pdbseed','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ORA19C/pdb1'); Pluggable database created. ④ 打开新的PDB进行验证 ...
Tasks of a Database Administrator Identifying Your Oracle Database Software Release Database Administrator Security and Privileges Database Administrator Authentication Creating and Maintaining a Password File Database Administrator Utilities The types of users and their roles and responsibilities at a site ...
sysdba and sysoper are ROLES - they are not users, not schemas. The SYSDBA role is like "root" on unix or "Administrator" on Windows. It sees all, can do all. Internally, if you connect as sysdba, your schema name will appear to be SYS. ...
9. What are the roles of DBA? A DBA has the authority to create new users, remove the existing users, or modify any of the environment variables or privileges assigned to other users. Manage database storage Administer users and security Manage schema objects Monitor and manage database perfor...
Overall, the traditional role of a DBA is changing significantly thanks to cloud computing. DBAs need to be able to adapt to these changes to be successful in their roles. Start learning to become a DBA for freeHow to become a DBA? There are many reasons why you might want to become an...