Do you know what a DBA does all day? Learn more about the role of a DBA, how responsibilities evolve over a DBA's career, and how the role is changing over time.
Every Day Will Bring New and Exciting Challenges on The Job While You - Learn and use groundbreaking technologies - Apply advanced troubleshooting techniques to provide unique solutions to our customers' individual needs - Interact with leading technologists around the world - Work directly with solutio...
(''USERENV'', ''AUTHENTICATION_METHOD'')), ''SSL'') = 0' EVALUATE PER SESSION ONLY TOPLEVEL; One can now enforce this audit policy on accounts granted DBA roles and track DBA activities on the Employee table: AUDIT POLICY ALL_ACTIONS_ON_EMPLOYEES BY USERS WITH GRANTED ROLES DBA; One ...
Toad Data Modeler is included with Toad for Oracle DBA Edition. PL/SQL code profiling Easily determine why your PL/SQL code is executing slowly by visually exposing performance bottlenecks. The PL/SQL Profiler is available with all editions of Toad for Oracle. Database health, security and ...
SQL> select dbms_metadata.get_ddl(p.object_type,p.object_name,p.owner) ddl_text from dba_procedures p where object_name like ‘VERIFY%’; Run the resultant SQL on the Exadata database. Do the same thing with Profiles, Tablespaces, Users, Roles, and directories and run the resultant SQL...
Oracle DBA 12C Curriculum Duration: 50 Hours 1. Introduction to Oracle Database Administrator Oracle Database 12c New and Enhanced Features Objectives Challenges Oracle Database in 11g Release High Performance Systems 2. Basics of Multi Container Database and Pluggable Databases New Multitenant Architect...
The results are clear: If you are a DBA responsible for managing or deploying an Oracle database, only all-flash storage will give you the performance gains you need to meet the challenges of today’s business environments. Today, all-flash solutions are as important to the Oracle dat...
Oracle DBA 12C Curriculum Duration: 50 Hours 1. Introduction to Oracle Database Administrator Oracle Database 12c New and Enhanced Features Objectives Challenges Oracle Database in 11g Release High Performance Systems 2. Basics of Multi Container Database and Pluggable Databases New Multitenant Architect...
I had an interesting opportunity with a complex Oracle environment that exemplified the challenges of technical debt and dependency on Read More AzureAzure CLIMicrosoftperformance April 8, 2021Kellyn HammerDB CLI for Oracle on Azure Disclaimer: I’m not a big fan of benchmark data. I find it ...
Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( New Features in Oracle Database Performance The new and updated performance tuning features include: ■ New Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) views AWR supports several new historical views, including DBA_HIST_DB_CACHE_ADVICE and DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_DETAIL....