Do you know what a DBA does all day? Learn more about the role of a DBA, how responsibilities evolve over a DBA's career, and how the role is changing over time.
curiosity is a requirement to be a good DBA. If DBAs aren't curious, they are passive, and wait for things to be told them. A curious DBA will install the latest version and immediately begin searching out the differences and improvements and how they can be applied to make his or her ...
select * from dba_roles; 角色connect、resource和DBA主要用于数据库管理。对于数据库管理员分别授予Connnect、resources和DBA角色。 创建角色: create role access_database; Create role access_database identified by 123; (2) 授权 grant create session,create table,create view to access_database; (3)可将...
Oracle数据库工程师(DBA) - K 埃林哲 计算机软件 已上市 更换职位 职位关闭 Cloud Engineer - K· 薪 某大型知名互联网公司 职位详情 上海 5-10年 大专 DBA Oracle 岗位职责: 实施 Oracle ERP 项目以及相关运维。 岗位要求:boss1、精通 Oracle 数据库的管理、运维、优化和排错; 2、精通 Oracle 数据复制技术,...
云计算技术支持工程师-DBA(英文沟通) - K 西云数据 计算机服务 未融资 职位详情 北京 5-10年 本科 Shell Python Oracle MySQL 计算机相关专业 DBA工作经验 工作职责: 1、负责公司业务Oracle数据库稳定远行,关注数据库集群整体远行情况,持续发现和解决潜在的问题; 2、建立公司Oracle高可用集群监持和备份恢复机制,提高...
I was a bit nervous before coming to SHA Data University but as long as keep on doing things instructed by the trainer (Saroj Sir) you will get to know the in-depth knowledge of roles and responsibilities of DBA. Most importantly, the instructor takes care of every possible doubt before ...
Join Oracle DBA training course in Chennai from Zuan Education to learn Oracle DBA 10g, 11g and 12c versions and become an Oracle certification ready professional.
She has bagged Oracle RAC DBA, Oracle DBA and can deliver the best technology to our trainees. Job Assistance Program We take pride in being part of 5 lakh plus career transitions worldwide Connect with Learning Advisor Job Support Program Online Work Support for your on-job roles. Our ...
Oracle DBA Course Overview MindMajix’s Oracle DBA training is designed to grow your skills and ability to leverage all the Oracle DBA opportunities in the industry. Our best in-field instructors offer practical guidance and real-world expertise needed to become a successful Oracle Database Administ...
Open source DBA: - Knowledge on KDB Database, PostgreSQL dB, Maria DB will be added advantage Other skills/ expectations: - Certification in SQLSERVER DBA or Oracle DBA is must - Good communication and presentation skill - Good in Customer facing environment experience ...