Do you know what a DBA does all day? Learn more about the role of a DBA, how responsibilities evolve over a DBA's career, and how the role is changing over time.
Job Responsibilities: 1. Provide targeted system usage recommendations and imple 绿云 计算机软件D轮及以上500-999人 Oracle DBA11-15K·13薪 长沙岳麓区麓谷3-5年本科 海典软件是医药软件标杆企业,一家有沉淀快速增长的医药科技互联网公司,公司注重人才培养,团队氛围非常好,技术大咖云集! 如果你想有所成就,敢想...
DBA工作经验 OCM OCP 全日制本科毕业(211以上) 目前Base地可选:廊坊、苏州、西安、成都、深圳、上海 【工作职责】 1、负责数据库集群规划设计、实施落地、问题攻关、性能优化; 2、负责数据库平台集群安装实施; 3、负责数据库性能调优、SQL性能调优; 4、负责Oracle、MySQL等迁移到GaussDB数据库的语法迁移、数据迁移;...
This compartment design reflects a basic functional structure observed across different organizations, where IT responsibilities are typically separated among networking, security, application development, and database administrators. The resources in this reference architecture are provisioned in the following ...
Principal Technologist (离职员工) - Pleasanton, CA - 2019年9月11日 Great place to work , Get promoted with no Salary Hike and BONUS I worked at Oracle full-time for more than 18 years with different roles and responsibilities 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告分享 ...