Do you know what a DBA does all day? Learn more about the role of a DBA, how responsibilities evolve over a DBA's career, and how the role is changing over time.
Main responsibilities 工作范围: • Participate implementation of projects for Chinese 艾玘信息科技有限公司 计算机服务不需要融资20-99人 oracle10-14K·13薪 温州瓯海区南白象1-3年大专 负责三甲医院oracle数据库集群系统运维 负责日常数据库系统巡检故障处理,优化工作 负责项目文档整理 ...
DBA工作经验 OCM OCP 全日制本科毕业(211以上) 目前Base地可选:廊坊、苏州、西安、成都、深圳、上海 【工作职责】 1、负责数据库集群规划设计、实施落地、问题攻关、性能优化; 2、负责数据库平台集群安装实施; 3、负责数据库性能调优、SQL性能调优; 4、负责Oracle、MySQL等迁移到GaussDB数据库的语法迁移、数据迁移;...
Describe DBA responsibilities for security Enable standard database auditing Specify audit options Review audit information Maintain the audit trail Database Maintenance Manage optimizer statistics Manage the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) Use the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) ...
DBA responsibilities for security Enable standard database auditing Specify audit options Unified auditing Review audit information Maintain the audit trail Manage optimizer statistics Manage the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) Use the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) Describe and use the ...
She has bagged Oracle RAC DBA, Oracle DBA and can deliver the best technology to our trainees. Job Assistance Program We take pride in being part of 5 lakh plus career transitions worldwide Connect with Learning Advisor Job Support Program Online Work Support for your on-job roles. Our ...
Monitor and administer undo Describe the difference between undo and redo data Configure undo retention Guarantee undo retention Use the undo advisor Implementing Oracle Database Security Describe DBA responsibilities for security Apply the principal of least privilege ...
Principal Technologist (离职员工) - Pleasanton, CA - 2019年9月11日 Great place to work , Get promoted with no Salary Hike and BONUS I worked at Oracle full-time for more than 18 years with different roles and responsibilities 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告分享 ...
Oracle recommends setting this option to True only (a) if the agent interface is used in standalone mode, or (b) when applications integrated with Oracle Scripting are updated to include the ability to resume the script from the business application. This can be set at the site, application...
I found your profile to be a great match for this position. Amongst the roles that I have, I want to discuss a role where my client is looking to hire PostgresQLDBA, Fulltime in Las Vegas, NV. Key details on the role are as follows: Job title : PostgresQLDBAlocation : Las Vegas, ...