// Getting Pixel Data from TextureGLvoidglReadPixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels)* x: 从X位置开始获取像素数据。记住在OpenGL中像素的顺序,从左下角开始到右上角结束 * y: 从Y位置开始获取像素数据。记住在OpenGL中像素的顺序,从左下...
2. send pixels Array as texture to GPU by OpneGL 3. Fragment Shader setup to read texture In OpenGL we have various slot we can bind texture to because we can bind more than one texture at once. (Windows 32 slots, mobile 8 slots) 想要将一个图片以texture的方式显示在三角形上需要三步走...
glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS,0); // 保存当前的设置,后面再恢复它 glGetIntegerv(GL_READ_BUFFER, (GLint*)&lastBuffer); glReadBuffer(GL_FRONT); glReadPixels(0,0,iViewport[2],iViewport[3],GL_BGR_EXT,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,pBits); glReadBuffer(lastBuffer); // 初始化tag文件头的格式 tgaHead...
// 将二进制数据写入纹理中GLuint texture;glGenTextures(1,&texture);glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,texture);// 下面函数设置了纹理参数,用于描述当纹素坐标不为整数时,以及纹理坐标不在[0-1]范围内时,纹理颜色采样策略// 具体请参考文章http://blog.csdn.net/wangdingqiaoit/article/details/51457675// 这里...
void glGetTextureImage(GLuint texture, GLint level,GLenum format, GLenum type,GLsizei bufSize,void *pixels); These functions work similarly to glReadPixels(), except that rather than reading data from a framebuffer, they read data directly from a texture. The glGetTexImage() function reads from ...
Then anytime we want to read pixels from an FBO, we should use one of the two methods below: voidEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(enumtarget, eglImageOES image)voidEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(enumtarget, eglImageOES image) These two methods will establishes all the properties of the targetGL...
ETC1Util.ETC1Texture GLDebugConfig GLDebugHelper GLES10 GLES10Ext GLES11 GLES11Ext GLES20 GLES30 GLES30 建構函式 欄位 屬性 方法 GlBeginQuery GlBeginTransformFeedback GlBindBufferBase GlBindBufferRange GlBindSampler GlBindTransformFeedback GlBindVertexArray GlBlitFramebuffer GlClearBufferfi GlClear...
(n - 1)) == 0; } /* 函数load_texture * 读取一个BMP文件作为纹理 * 如果失败,返回0,如果成功,返回纹理编号 */ GLuint load_texture(const char* file_name) { GLint width, height, total_bytes; GLubyte* pixels = 0; GLuint last_texture_ID, texture_ID = 0; // 打开文件,如果失败,返回...
需要存储到texture images中的东西 上图是一个RGB图,如果我们把图像中的RGB值解释为xyz方向,那么上面这张图所提供给我们的则是渲染器中每一个像素的法线向量。(注意!是每一个像素!) 而不是像之前那样提供的是每一个顶点的法线向量,现在是每一个像素的法线向量!
ETC1Util.ETC1Texture GLDebugConfig GLDebugHelper GLES10 GLES10Ext GLES11 GLES11Ext GLES20 GLES30 GLES31 GLES31Ext GLES31Ext.IDebugProcKHR GLES32 GLES32。IDebugProc GLException GLSurfaceView GLSurfaceView.IEGLConfigChooser GLSurfaceView.IEGLContextFactory ...