在OpenCV中,可以使用calibrateHandEye函数来进行手眼标定。以下是关于手眼标定在OpenCV中的详细解答: 1. 理解手眼标定的基本原理 手眼标定主要分为两种形式: 眼在手外(Eye-to-Hand):相机固定在机器人外部,需要求解相机坐标系相对于机器人基坐标系的变换矩阵。 眼在手上(Eye-in-Hand):相机固定在机器人末端执行器上...
其中calibration_class.py可以单独使用。只要有独立存在的标定点集即可。 那就上代码? 代码: 先挂我的github链接吧,这个代码有点多。 https://github.com/kaixindelele/Eye-to-Hand-Calibration如果有帮助的话,记得点个star哈~ 核心代码: 计算转换矩阵m def get_m(self, origin_points_set, target_points_set):...
Eye-to-Hand Calibration:摄像机固定,与机器人基坐标系相对位置不变。且机器人末端在固定平面移动,即只需要求一个单应性矩阵的变换关系就行。 实验流程如下: 手眼系统场景搭建:相机固定,机械臂带动针尖在固定平面移动。 标定样本采集。包括摄像机图像采集,以及对应的机器人关节构型采集。--calibration_data_collected_...
机器人手眼标定分为eye in hand与eye to hand两种。 介绍之前进行变量定义说明:对于 Eye-in-hand 手眼标定方式,需要求解工业机器人的末端坐标系与相机坐标系之间的坐标转换关系。 Eye-in-hand 手眼标定的原理示意图如图 1所示。这其中有几个坐标系, 基础坐标系(用 base 表示) 是机器臂的基底坐标系,末端坐标系(...
I have already calibrated the camera using this OpenCV guide, Camera Calibration, with a checkerboard where the undistorted images are obtained. My problem is about finding the transformation from camera to end-effector. I can see that OpenCV has a function, calibrateHandEye(), which supposely ...
OpenCV's CalibrateHandEye module provides the necessary functions to estimate both the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera, as well as the transformation between the robot's hand and the camera. The calibration process involves solving a system of equations based on the known ...
mounted on a robot gripper ("hand") has to be estimated. This configuration is called eye-in-hand. The eye-to-hand configuration consists in a static camera observing a calibration pattern mounted on the robot end-effector. The transformation from the camera to the robot base frame can then...
函数功能: waitKey()函数的功能是不断刷新图像,频率时间为delay,单位为ms 返回值为当前键盘按键值 vs
at different locations; The hand-eye calibration requires the robot to obtain the target image in three different locations. Therefore, the calibration system in this dissertation is simple and fast because the above two parts combine with each other. ...
Run time: It will take some time (on the order of 4 minutes) to perform camera calibration, and then to perform all of the robot-world, hand-eye calibration methods (4 minutes more), though this varies by dataset and image size. ...