The significance of oligoclonal bands in multiple sclerosis: relevance of demographic and clinical features, and immu- nogenic backgrounds. J Neuroimmunol 2009; 212: 121-124.Idiman E, Ozakbas S, Dogan Y, Kosehasanogullari G. The significance of oligoclonal bands in multiple sclerosis: relevance...
OligoclonalBands in CerebrospinalFluids : Significanceof CorrespondingBands in Serum for Diagnosisof MultipleSclerosis 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 5 作者:R Davenport,Keren 摘要: Tumor Diagnostic 1981;2:59-.61. 2. Fleisher M, BesenflederE, Oettgen H, Schwartz M. Comparison of ...
3.1.1Oligoclonal bands (OCB) OCB are clonally restricted Ig that are produced intrathecally by B cell clones that populate the CSF and brain parenchyma in some diseases [72]. As a lumbar puncture is usually performed at onset of ADS, the presence or absence of OCBs, detected by isoelectric...
Clinical Significance of Immunoblotting of IgG Oligoclonal Bands with Respect to Specific Antigens Journal of Laboratory Medicine / Laboratoriums MedizinSindic, C. J. M.Monteyne, P.
The significance of serum oligoclonal bands in neurological diseases. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1993;56:32-35.ZEMAAN, MCLEANBN, KEIRG, LUXTORNW, SHARIEMFK, THOMPSEOJN. The significance of serum oligoclonal bands in neurological diseases J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1993: 56: 32-5....
In addition to the significance of the presence of a single band of IgG immunoglobulin in CSF, IgG OCBs within the diagnostic criteria of multiple sclerosis (MS), the prevalence of IgG OCBs and the effect of latitude in MS, as well as the clinical and immunological involvement of OCBs (IgG...
The significance of this correlation is not clear, considering the relatively low number of patients analyzed and the fact that these cell expansions were absent in some patients with RF. It should also be noted that RF specificities in RA patients have been shown to be highly diverse in fine...
Significance of detection of oligoclonal IgG bands in diagnosing toxoplasma gondii encephalitis in AIDS - Journal of Neuroimmunologydoi:10.1016/S0165-5728(98)91568-5C. ContiniR. CultreraE. FainardiM. CastellazziR. CanipariJournal of Neuroimmunology...
Baker DavidMultiple Sclerosis & Related DisordersPryce, G.; Baker, D. Oligoclonal bands in multiple sclerosis; Functional significance and therapeutic implications. Does the specificity matter? Mult. Scler. Relat. Disord. 2018, 25, 131-137. [CrossRef] [PubMed]...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article The Persisting Significance of Oligoclonal Bands in the Dawning Era of Kappa Free Light Chains for the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis Philipp Schwenkenbecher 1,† , Franz Felix Konen 1,†, Ulrich Wurster 1, Konstantin Fritz Jendretzky 1, ...