uritg + b7 kn]u ritg2 + b 8 kn^eq ith + fi t (1) 人均碳排放方程写为: kn (PCit) = kn (c0) + c1 kn^pgdpith + c2 kn^pgdpith2 + c3 kn]eiit ig + c4 kn]insitg + c5 kn]u ritg + c 6 kn]u ritg2 + c 7 kn^eq ith + ei t (2) 式中 C —— 碳排放总量 ...
While the GHS provides sub-categorization criteria for sensitizers when using the guinea pig maximization test/Buehler test (OECD TG406) and the standard radioisotopic LLNA (OECD TG429), the sub-categorization criteria for LLNA: BrdU-ELISA (OECD TG442B) are not currently provided. In this ...
TG\\Kazumi\PartCoef\pH-metric\pH-metric2000.09.doc 2/19 and a second titration is performed, returning the well mixed two-phase system to the starting pH. The second titration yields an apparent pK a , denoted by p o K a . As the substance partitions into the n-octanol ...
determinedtoensurethatitissimilartothatofthe TG 431, in accordance with the requirements of the PS 36 set out in this Test Guideline (Annex 1). 37 38 39 DEFINITIONS 40 41 6. Definitions used are provided in Annex 2. 42 431 OECD/OCDE ...
mtharekeimt spliogrhttlvyodleucmreeasoedf nbyataubroaul tg0a.0s6i.nIncAouungtursites20b0e5g, tahne tOoEcChDange, resulctoinugntirniesthisesudeedada lsienreieos fofthpeoloicvieesratollrae-vrergauglaetecothrreenlatuiornal cgoaesfmficaireknet, luenadtiiln2g0t0o8t,h0e.n38at.uAraflte...
[2e4r]s, saumgognegst iontgheitrs,a spupgligceasbtilnigty itos tahpepilnicvaebsitligtya ttio nthoef einnveergstyigpaotiloicny .of energy policy. In this study, QQCCA iiss uusseedd ttoo aasssseessss ggoovveernance systems,...