1. 规范性:急性经皮毒性试验是根据国家、国际相关标准和指南进行的,包括OECD TG 404、GB/T 26340等。试验方法和操作步骤都有一定的规范性,以确保试验的可重复性和可比性。 2. 使用动物模型:急性经皮毒性试验通常利用实验动物(如小鼠、大鼠等)作为试验模型。动物皮肤和人类皮肤在结构和功能上的相似性相对较高,可...
OECDTG 404 provides a tier strategy for a stepwise approach to conducting dermal corrosion/irritation studies (Table 5). This tier strategy calls for a series of sequential evaluations and decisions based on existing human and animal data showing effects on skin or mucous membrane, structure–activi...
2. The assessment of skin irritation has typically involved the use of laboratory animals [OECD TG 404; adopted in 1981 and revised in 1992 and 2002](4). In relation to animal welfare concerns, TG 404 was revised in 2002, allowing for the determination of skin corrosion/irritation by ...
TestGuideline404(TG404);adoptedin1981andrevisedin1992and2002)(2).Inrelationtoanimal15 welfareTG404wasrevisedin2002,allowingforthedeterminationofskincorrosionbyapplyingatiered16 testingstrategy,usingvalidatedinvitroorexvivotestmethods,thusavoidingpainandsufferingof17 ...
2. The assessment of skin irritation has typically involved the use of laboratory animals [OECD TG 404; originally adopted in 1981 and revised in 1992, 2002 and 2015] (4). For the testing of corrosivity, three validated in vitro test methods have been adopted as OECD TGs 430, 431 and ...
2.Theassessmentofskinirritationhastypicallyinvolvedtheuseoflaboratoryanimals[OECDTG404; originallyadoptedin1981andrevisedin1992,2002and2015](4).Forthetestingofcorrosivity,three validatedinvitrotestmethodshavebeenadoptedasOECDTGs430,431and435(5)(6)(7).Adocument ...
replacement test for in vivo skin irritation testing, or as a partial replacement test, within a tiered testing strategy (4). 2. The assessment of skin irritation has typically involved the use of laboratory animals [OECD TG 404; adopted in 1981 and revised in 1992 and 2002](4). In ...
1. 规范性:急性经皮毒性试验是根据国家、国际相关标准和指南进行的,包括OECD TG 404、GB/T 26340等。试验方法和操作步骤都有一定的规范性,以确保试验的可重复性和可比性。2. 使用动物模型:急性经皮毒性试验通常利用实验动物(如小鼠、大鼠等)作为试验模型。动物皮肤和人类皮肤在结构和功能上的相似性相对较高,可以...
1. 规范性:急性经皮毒性试验是根据国家、国际相关标准和指南进行的,包括OECD TG 404、GB/T 26340等。试验方法和操作步骤都有一定的规范性,以确保试验的可重复性和可比性。 2. 使用动物模型:急性经皮毒性试验通常利用实验动物(如小鼠、大鼠等)作为试验模型。动物皮肤和人类皮肤在结构和功能上的相似性相对较高,可...
1. 规范性:急性经皮毒性试验是根据国家、国际相关标准和指南进行的,包括OECD TG 404、GB/T 26340等。试验方法和操作步骤都有一定的规范性,以确保试验的可重复性和可比性。 2. 使用动物模型:急性经皮毒性试验通常利用实验动物(如小鼠、大鼠等)作为试验模型。动物皮肤和人类皮肤在结构和功能上的相似性相对较高,可...