毒理学终点标准号替代方法名称 急性经口毒性OECD TG420固定剂量法 OECD TG423急性毒性分类法 OECD TG425上下法程序法 OECD DG1293T3细胞中性红摄取试验 急性吸入毒性OECD TG426急性毒性分类法 皮肤刺激/腐蚀性OECD 430人工皮肤模型腐蚀实验 OECD 431大鼠经皮肤电阻实验 OECD 439皮肤刺激的重组人表皮模型试验 OECD 435...
MaTtekEpi皮肤OECD TG 431组织芯片COR-104 MatTek获得的EpiDerm系统是针对皮肤毒理学家和制剂科学家的体外测试技术。通过多次ECVAM验证和OECD接受的测试指南,EpiDerm是用于化学,制药和皮肤护理产品测试的成熟体外模型系统。 皮肤刺激性(OECD TG 439)和腐蚀(OECD TG 431)测试 ...
Regarding the identification of UN GHS corrosive subcategories, when considering the 30 reference chemicals as recommended in OECD TG 431, an accuracy of 83.3% was achieved. In conclusion, the SkinEthic RHE method is highly reproducible, sensitive for discriminating corrosives from non-corrosives and ...
OECD TG 431Skin corrosivity assessmentAlternative testing methodsPredictive capacityChemical safety evaluationQileX-RhE: novel skin corrosion test, aligning with evolving ethical standards, offers reliable alternative to animal testing.QileX-RhE accurately distinguishes UN GHS subcategories, showing promise as ...
The EpiSkin™ skin corrosion test method was formally validated and adopted within the context of OECD TG 431 for identifying corrosive and non-corrosive chemicals. The EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (EU CLP) system requires the sub-categorisation of corrosive chemicals into the...
「緒言·目的」再構成皮膚を用いた皮膚腐食試験法は,腐食性および非腐食性化学物質を同定するためのOECD TG431に対応し正式にバリデートされ,採用された。EU分類,ラベル表示および包装規則(EU CLP)体系は,腐食性化学物質について,国連GHSにおける三つのオプション的な細区分1A,1Bおよび1Cへ細区...
2. The assessment of skin irritation has typically involved the use of laboratory animals [OECD TG 404; originally adopted in 1981 and revised in 1992, 2002 and 2015] (4). For the testing of corrosivity, three validated in vitro test methods have been adopted as OECD TGs 430, 431 and ...
2013年7月26日,经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment.OECD)再次更新试验指南TG431和TG439(以下简称2013版指南),对于体外皮肤腐蚀性、刺激性试验提出更详尽的要求。 大量的研究促使人类皮肤模型不断进步,从依靠滋养层培养到表皮替代物以及多种类型细胞共培养系统。目前皮肤模型主要分...
determinedtoensurethatitissimilartothatofthe TG 431, in accordance with the requirements of the PS 36 set out in this Test Guideline (Annex 1). 37 38 39 DEFINITIONS 40 41 6. Definitions used are provided in Annex 2. 42 431 OECD/OCDE ...
While this Test Guideline does not provide adequate information on skin corrosion, it should be noted that OECD TG 431 on skin corrosion is based on the same RhE test system, though using another protocol (6). This Test Guideline is based on RhE-models using human keratinocytes, which ...