globalThis已根据此兼容性表添加到node.js v12.0.0中。
globalThis已根据此兼容性表添加到node.js v12.0.0中。
1、因本项目采用的单元测试为 jest v28.1.3,其要求Node12.21.0及以上版本,否则Node v11会报globalThis is not defined错误,Node v12.1 会报 modernFakeTimers.js:181里的 fakeTimersConfig.timerLimit || 100_000错误,因此如果要运行本项目的单元测试时需要Node 12.21.0版本及以上; 2、由于本项目中gulp版本为...
Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined If you experience this error in your browser console when using the plugin add the following define to yourindex.htmlfile before importing your Javascript: letglobal=globalThis; Server Side Rendering...
window // if in browser : ( (typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' && globalThis instanceof WorkerGlobalScope) ? globalThis // if in worker : {} // if in node js ); The problem seems to exist only in NPM packages, because the following js file run in a Worker doesn't fail: ...
ERRORFailed to compilewith4errors4:52:09PMThese dependencies were not found:*ali-ossin./src/utils/utils.ts*react-draggablein./src/components/UdeskTTS/index.tsx*react-resizablein./src/components/ResizeTableColumn/index.tsx*xlsxin./src/pages/GoodsManagement/GoodsComparison/index.tsx ...
5、globalThis 对象 1、let命令 基本用法 ES6新增了let命令,用来声明变量。它的用法类似于var,但是所声明的变量,只在let命令所在的代码块内有效。 {leta=10;varb=1;}a// ReferenceError: a is not defined.b// 1 上面代码在代码块之中,分别用let和var声明了两个变量。然后在代码块之外调用这两个变量,结果...
( fix: remove `globalThis` check and align with what bundlers can accept ([@JoviDeCroock]( ### Internal 🏠\* [#4104]( Fix...
HTTP (via the http module, XMLHttpRequest, or globalThis.fetch); WebSocket (the WebSocket class in Undici and in the browser). Motivation While there are a lot of network mocking libraries, they tend to use request interception as an implementation detail, giving you a high-level API that...
The basic structure of tests that useMockXhrServeris: import{newServer}from'mock-xmlhttprequest';constserver=newServer(/* routes */);try{server.install(/* optional context; defaults to globalThis */);// Test your code that creates XMLHttpRequests}finally{// Reverts server.install() at the...