1、因本项目采用的单元测试为 jest v28.1.3,其要求Node12.21.0及以上版本,否则Node v11会报globalThis is not defined错误,Node v12.1 会报 modernFakeTimers.js:181里的 fakeTimersConfig.timerLimit || 100_000错误,因此如果要运行本项目的单元测试时需要Node 12.21.0版本及以上; 2、由于本项目中gulp版本为...
ERRORFailed to compilewith4errors4:52:09PMThese dependencies were not found:*ali-ossin./src/utils/utils.ts*react-draggablein./src/components/UdeskTTS/index.tsx*react-resizablein./src/components/ResizeTableColumn/index.tsx*xlsxin./src/pages/GoodsManagement/GoodsComparison/index.tsx To install them...
importtype{IsAny,IfAny}from'type-fest';typeShouldBeTrue=IsAny<any>extendstrue?true:false;//=> truetypeShouldBeFalse=IfAny<'not any'>;//=> falsetypeShouldBeNever=IfAny<'not any','not never','never'>;//=> 'never' IsLiteral- Returns a boolean for whether the given type is a IsStri...
weakRef - Sham for the WeakRef global, which uses globalThis.WeakRef when it exists. The sham will throw at runtime when calling deref() and WeakRef doesn't globally exist, so this is only intended to help type check code that won't actually use it. webSocket - Shim WebSocket by using ...
Commits 3447c58Release 6.7.1 (#20426) See full diff incompare view Updates@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-iconsfrom 6.7.0 to 6.7.1 Release notes Sourced from@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons's releases. Release 6.7.1 Change log available athttps://fontawesome.com/docs/changelog/ ...
Runtime flags can be enabled or disabled by setting a boolean value for that flag inglobalThis.lwcRuntimeFlags, e.g.: lwcRuntimeFlags.ENABLE_SOME_FEATURE=true; If the flag is not explicitly set, the feature is disabled by default. ThelwcRuntimeFlagsobject must appear before the engine is...
TheimportLocationfunction runs a compartmentalized application off the file system. Theglobalsare properties to add to theglobalThisin the global scope of the application's main package compartment. Themodulesare built-in modules to grant the application's main package compartment. ...
Lombiq Node.js Extensions for MSBuild (.NET builds) Ruby markdownlint/mdl gem for Ruby References The following specifications are considered authoritative in cases of ambiguity: CommonMark GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec Demonstration markdownlintdemo, an interactive, in-browser playground for learning ...
InstallVisual C++ Build Tools, usenmakeinVisual Studio Developer Command Prompt Verify your environment: node -v npm -v emcc -v#clang -v#clang -print-targets # ensure wasm32 target existscmake --version#if you use node-gypnode-gyp --version#if you use ninjaninja --version#if you use ...
weakRef- Sham for theWeakRefglobal, which usesglobalThis.WeakRefwhen it exists. The sham will throw at runtime when callingderef()andWeakRefdoesn't globally exist, so this is only intended to help type check code that won't actually use it. ...