evalmachine.<anonymous>:1 globalThis ^ ReferenceError: globalThis is not defined at ../../evalmachine.<anonymous>:1:1 Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total Tests: 0 total Snapshots: 0 total Time: 0.752 s Ran all test suites. Environment
"webpack-dev-server": "^4.1.0", [webpack-cli] ReferenceError: globalThis is not defined at Object. (D:\webpack\vue-webpack-build\node_modules\memfs\lib\internal\errors.js:69:3) at Module._compile (D:\webpack\vue-webpack-build\node_modules\v8-compile-cache\v8-compile-cache.js:192:...
由于某种原因,在 Jest 测试中运行时global和globalThis都不具有该fetch属性。这会导致笑话错误,指出该fetch变量未声明。jest 测试中返回的结果process.version与我在开发中使用的 Node 版本相同。这是一个类似的 SO 问题,但是 OP 正在使用从模块导入的外部获取函数。
@ multi./node_modules/@umijs/preset-built-in/bundled/@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin/client/ReactRefreshEntry.js./src/.umi/umi.tsERRORin./src/pages/GoodsManagement/GoodsComparison/index.tsx Module not found:Error:Can't resolve 'xlsx' in '/Users/cheng.tang/workspace/codes/fe/zkh-gbb-...
Because the way the WebSocket property descriptor is set in Next.js doesn't allow that property to be configured anymore (and neither does it have a setter): next.js/packages/next/src/server/node-environment-baseline.ts Lines 11 to 15 in de4f197 Object.defineProperty(globalThis, 'WebSocket...
Only the setInterval and clearInterval functions from node:timers, node:timers/promises, and globalThis will be mocked.Alternatively, if you call mock.timers.enable() without any parameters:All timers ('setInterval', 'clearInterval', 'setTimeout', and 'clearTimeout') will be mocked. The set...
export function globalPreload(context) { return `\ globalThis.someInjectedProperty = 42; console.log('I just set some globals!'); const { createRequire } = getBuiltin('module'); const { cwd } = getBuiltin('process'); const require = createRequire(cwd() + '/<preload>'); // [.....
When building the snapshot, if --snapshot-blob is not specified, the generated blob will be written, by default, to snapshot.blob in the current working directory. Otherwise it will be written to the path specified by --snapshot-blob. $ echo "globalThis.foo = 'I am from the snapshot...
Only the setInterval and clearInterval functions from node:timers, node:timers/promises, and globalThis will be mocked. Example usage with initial time set const { mock } = require('node:test'); mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'], now: 1000 });copy Example usage with initial Date ...