错误解析与解决方案 1. 错误出现的原因 ReferenceError: globalThis is not defined 错误通常发生在 JavaScript 环境中,当尝试访问 globalThis 对象但当前环境不支持它时。globalThis 是一个在 ES2020 (ECMAScript 2020) 中引入的标准属性,它提供了一个标准的方式来引用全局对象,无论代码是在浏览器、Node.js 还是其他...
globalthis is not defined 编译globalthis is not defined编译 这个错误通常是因为在非严格模式下尝试访问全局对象时出现的问题。在非严格模式下,不需要使用`globalThis`来访问全局对象,可以直接使用`this`。 如果你在严格模式下遇到了这个错误,可能是因为你的浏览器不支持使用`globalThis`。 解决方法有两种: 1.如果你...
(注:支持 globalThis 的浏览器,其指向就是 window 对象,更多信息可在这里查看:developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/… 关键词:globalThis is not defined, nuxt.js, globalThis
Example of globalthis is not defined Here’s an example code snippet that reproduces the “ReferenceError: globalThis is not defined” error: function myFunction() { console.log(globalThis); } myFunction(); When executing this code, you will come across the error message “ReferenceError: global...
"ReferenceError: globalThis is not defined" is an error produced by some newer JavaScript libraries as they access globalThis. How to fix To fix this error you need to be using a version of node12+ however this may not solve the error on some browsers. ...
阅读排行榜 1. 解决elementPlus在QQ浏览器端 globalThis is not defined 报错(741) 2. 用webstorm调试Nest.js同类ts项目同理(674) 3. 云开发cloudbase怎么实现单字段、多字段模糊查询(170) 4. 如何在nest.js中通过正则表达式正确设置验证(66)
When running the app on say Android 9 (API 28) - music scheet does not show up and console gives the following error: com.example.myapplication I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: globalThis is not defined", source: file:///android_asset/OSMD/opensheetmusicdisplay.min...
npx create-react-app my-app -> works. cd my-app -> works npm start -> works but when I access "http://localhost:3000" using firefox 58.0.2 (64-bit) console.log shows ReferenceError: globalThis is not defined error : " ReferenceError: globalThis is not defined ...
修改vite.config.js相配置 importlegacyfrom'@vitejs/plugin-legacy';exportdefaultdefineConfig({build: {target:'es2015', },plugins: [legacy({targets: ['Chrome 63'],additionalLegacyPolyfills: ['regenerator-runtime/runtime'],modernPolyfills:true, ...