1、使用gulp serve或者npm run dev 指令启动服务 (支持热更新,会在项目根目录生成hotupdate目录,如果方法变动文档也会自动更新,此时如果在src/global/你正在编辑的方法.js运行你的方法并console,可以在浏览器控制台看console运行结果) 2、不推荐---使用npm run dev:nodemon 除了文档服务自动支持热更外,还支持nodemon...
When you set theruntimeoption totrue, a new environment file will be created during the build with the namengx-env.jsin the build output directory containing the environment variables that match the prefix. You can change the environment variables at runtime by modifying this file. globalThis._...