这个错误的直接原因是 Verilog 不支持 Data_i[i*8-1:i*8-8] 这种语法。如果把向量的位选取写成 v...
这个是用c语言写电路。那个for里面的i需要定义为genvar i;另外从你写的逻辑看,你是希望那个shift_reg不断的变化,但是你这么写的话。系统会认为是一个组合逻辑,所以会立刻计算出结果。你需要写成时续逻辑的电路,用always @(posedge clk)begin ...end ...
assign 不能放在if里,除非是generate if。如果用always,就不能用assign
endtask检测的时候出错ERROR:HDLCompiler:44 - "E:\NoC_Verilog\Bufferless\Bufferless_shuang_tiao\port_Allocation.v" Line 132: i is not a constantLihq_ fpga逛吧 1 没有使用always 块,在外面套一个always就行了 晴天AN配 fpga新手 4 你好我的问题也是跟你一样,使用寄存器给向量位赋值时报错,...
P.S.: I noticed, that you aparently referred to C rather than System Verilog, although the behaviour is basically similar. In C, a const object is processed like a RAM variable, although it can't be written at runtime. So the compiler doesn't treat it as a constant value. I...
[i:0]; end end end endtask 检测的时候出错 ERROR:HDLCompiler:44 - "E:\NoC_Verilog\Bufferless\Bufferless_shuang_tiao\port_Allocation.v" Line 132: i is not a constant 分享3赞 fc吧 StarClasher206 【教程】常见NSF/NSFE播放软件使用方法1楼防吞 分享48赞 linux吧 蜉蝣三日 [有偿求救!] grub...
Warning (10763): Verilog HDL warning at niosv_g_core_nios_system_intel_niosv_g_0_hart.sv(1698): case statement has overlapping case item expressions with non-constant or don't care bits - unable to check case statement for completenessWarning (10270): Verilog...
constant-logical-operand -Wno-non-pod-varargs -Wno-parentheses-equality -Wno-shadow -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-tautological-bitwise-compare -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -DVERILATOR=1 -DVL_DEBUG=1 -DTEST_...
constant local_const: std_logic := my_const;-- Note: Error points here begin if clk'event and clk='1' then res <= a or local_const; end if; end process; end; In 11.2 XST introduced a new VHDL/Verilog parser for Virtex-6 and Spartan-6 families. For more information on this chan...