Error (10734): Verilog HDL error at data_mask.v(6): byte_sel is not a constant 第二种写法: moduledata_mask(input[31:0]data_word,input[1:0]byte_sel,output[7:0]data_byte);assigndata_byte=data_word[((byte_sel*8+8)-1)-:8];endmodule 这种写法综合通过了。 你可能会说,写个case不...
// 就两个加法器,根据操作数的不同送入不同操作数 assign temp = (a=b)?'b:sum1; 1. 2. adder adder_u(.add1(a),.add1(temp),.sum(sum1)); adder adder_u(.add1(sum1),.add1©,.sum(sum)); 3).generate-case分支语句 generate-case分支语句与generate-条件语句类似,只不过将原来的分支...
其中优先级条件语中的各个条件分支是具有优先级的,且分支优先级按照书写顺序从高至低,代表为if条件语句;而无优先级条件语句中,各个分支间的地位是等同的,代表为case条件语句。除了if和case语句外,Verilog还支持casex和casez两种衍生的无优先级条件语句,分别介绍如下: if条件语句 if条件语句的完全语法如下: if (<cond...
a=3'b001; #30 $finish; end endmodule generate generate 可以用来循环实例化模块或条件实例化模块 ➢ generate 与 for loop,用来构造循环结构,多次实例化某个模块 ➢ generate 与 if else 或 case,用来在多个块之间选择一个代码块 //Design for a half-adder ...
$display(“a= %d\n”, a); // 与C语言类似 end 2.Verilog 语法中的并行与顺序模块 (1) 连续赋值语句、always模块之间、实例模块之间都是并行语句 (2)always模块内部是分情况而定,对于if…else…而言,总是有优先级的顺序的,对于case而 言,无优先级,是完全顺序执行的,此外,还要对阻塞语句和非阻塞语句具体...
18.Warning: Using design file lpm_fifo0.v, which is not specified as a design file for the current project, but contains definitions for 1 design units and 1 entities in project Info: Found entity 1: lpm_fifo0 原因:模块不是在本项目生成的,而是直接copy了别的项目的原理图和源程序 而生成的...
is high forces q to remain at 0. This condition may or may not be correct depending on the actual flip flop. However, this is not the main problem with this model. Notice that when reset goes low, that set is still high. In a real flip flop this will cause the output to go to ...
It seems this issue may not have been resolved, at least not in a way that applies to SystemVerilog `interface` objects. This is a toy example, but I
$display(“a= %d\n”, a); // 与C语言类似 end 2. Verilog语法中的并行与顺序模块 (1) 连续赋值语句、always模块之间、实例模块之间都是并行语句 (2) always模块内部是分情况而定,对于if…else…而言,总是有优先级的顺序的,对于case而言,无优先级,是完全顺序执行的,此外,还要对阻塞语句和非阻塞语句具体...