这个错误的直接原因是 Verilog 不支持 Data_i[i*8-1:i*8-8] 这种语法。如果把向量的位选取写成 v...
这个是用c语言写电路。那个for里面的i需要定义为genvar i;另外从你写的逻辑看,你是希望那个shift_reg不断的变化,但是你这么写的话。系统会认为是一个组合逻辑,所以会立刻计算出结果。你需要写成时续逻辑的电路,用always @(posedge clk)begin ...end ...
assign 不能放在if里,除非是generate if。如果用always,就不能用assign
. What I am trying to do in essence is(for 3 numbers): always@(posedge clk) out=in+in+in; I am getting the error: "j is not a constant". I am sure there is a method to do this, am I trying to do this in a wrong way? My full code is: ...
//integer j; // Error:j is not a genvar;j is not a constantgenvarj;reg[data_width-1:0] in2_reg [0:depth-1];for(j=0;j<depth;j=j+1)begin:in2_loopalways@(posedgeclkornegedgerst_n)beginif(!rst_n) in2_reg[j] <=0;elsein2_reg[j] <= in2+j;endend ...
Error (10742): Verilog HDL error at axis_thrower.sv(6): constant expression cannot contain a hierarchical identifier This should not be the case. With both Vivado and Verilator, the expression is allowed because their compilers deduce what is obviously constant...
1.Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple constant driversfornet…… 解析:不能在两个以上always内对同一变量赋值,这个细节一般看书看资料会看到,但是编程时,就是没想到。 2.Error (10158): Verilog HDL Module Declaration error at clkseg.v(1): port "XXXX" is not declared as port ...
26 Error: Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "datain_reg[22]" at shift_reg.vhd(19) 27 can't infer register for signal "num[0]" because signal does not hold its outside clock edge 28 Error: Can't elaborate top-level user hierarchy 29 Error: Can't resolve multiple const...
In recent years the climate has been generally cool in northern Asia. But during periods when the average daily temperature and humidity in northern Asia were slightly higher than their normal levels ...