这个错误的直接原因是 Verilog 不支持 Data_i[i*8-1:i*8-8] 这种语法。如果把向量的位选取写成 v...
这个是用c语言写电路。那个for里面的i需要定义为genvar i;另外从你写的逻辑看,你是希望那个shift_reg不断的变化,但是你这么写的话。系统会认为是一个组合逻辑,所以会立刻计算出结果。你需要写成时续逻辑的电路,用always @(posedge clk)begin ...end ...
assign 不能放在if里,除非是generate if。如果用always,就不能用assign
如果这样写编译时会报错: Error: Error (10734): Verilog HDL error at seg7_controller.v(82): avs_s1_address is not a constant File: f:/fpga/niosii_mpc/de3_seg/ip/seg7_controller/seg7_controller.v Line: 82 错误提示解释说avs_s1_address不是常值。代码可以修改为: ...
// 错误代码:这样电路肯定会报错 a is not a constant generate if(a=b) begin:a_equals_b adder adder_u(.add1(a),.add1(c),.sum(sum)); end else begin adder adder_u(.add1(a),.add1(b),.sum(sum1)); adder adder_u(.add1(sum1),.add1(c),.sum(sum)); ...
Error (10742): Verilog HDL error at axis_thrower.sv(6): constant expression cannot contain a hierarchical identifier This should not be the case. With both Vivado and Verilator, the expression is allowed because their compilers deduce what is obviously constant at compile...
FF/Latch (without init value) has a constant value of 0 in block .This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.FSM应该是有限状态机的意思吧,那FFd呢?怎么能看出是哪个状态没有用到 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 因为你的逻辑中,不会用到...
需要用到变量的延时可以这么写 propertytime_wait;intcnt=limit;@(posedge clk) $rose(a) |-> (cnt>0, cnt--)[*]##1 cnt==0;endpropertyassertproperty(time_wait); //直接写 ##variable,报错: // ##后需要跟常量 Theuseofa non-constantexpressionisnotallowedinproperties, sequencesandassertionsfor...
verilog HDL error : constant expression cannot contain a hierarchical identifier. The example code is : interface m_if#( parameter LEFTPARA_BITW, parameter RIGHTPARA_BITW, parameter RESULT_BITW ) ( input bit clk, input wire rst ); logic leftpara; logic rightpara; logi...