运行程序,我们会得到: always @(/*AS*/aorborsel)begin if (sel) z = a; else z =b; end 添加灵敏度列表的地方。然后用户可以编辑这段代码来进行RTL更改: always @(/*AS*/aorborsel)begin if (sel) z = a; else z =s2?c:d; end 然后重新运行程序,得到正确的灵敏度列表: always @(/*AS*/...
v3 = 2'b11;//v1 is not assigned end else//default赋值 begin v1 = 2'b00; v2 = 2'b00; v3 = 2'b00; end (2)CASE语句 (a)所有的case语句都应该有一个default语句,避免产生Latch (b)(建议)不要使用casex、casez语句,综合工具不支持 循环语句 (1)forever语句 (2)repeat语句 (3)while语句 ...
指定指定属性的属性的格式格式 (* attribute_name = constant_expression *)或者或者 (* attribute_name *)将将属性添加到属性添加到casecase描述的描述的Verilog HDLVerilog HDL描述例子。描述例子。 60、(* full_case, parallel_case *) case (foo) (* full_case=1 *) (* parallel_case=1 *) / 多个...
14initial $display("nest_two is not defined");15 `endif 16 `else 17initial $display("nest_one is not defined");18 `endif 19 `else 20initial $display("wow is not defined");21 `ifdef second_nest 22initial $display("second_nest is defined");23 `else 24initial $display...
45、ng any constant strings as format specifiersfor $swrite. In V2K, all output format specifications are consistentand produce the same result independent of whether the target is a string,file, or standard output.13) Fileio $ferror only returns a status. V2k $ferror takes asecond paramete...
*/ always @ (oneIn or zeroIn or state_curr or pattern) begin /* If either a one or zero has been entered, take action */ if(oneIn | zeroIn) begin case(state_curr) START: /* Initial state */ begin /...
对处在 power-down domain 并且直接和 always-on domain 相连接的 tie-high 或者 tie-low constant,不使能 corruption 功能;默认不 使用该功能; ④-lps_enum_rand_corrupt:对于用户定义的 enum 类型数据,在电源关断后, 随机从枚举列表中选择一个值作为变量值;和该命令相类似的还有 -lps_enum_right, -lps_imp...
Verilog?convention of treating any constant strings as format specifiers for $swrite.? In V2K, all output format specifications are consistent and produce the same result independent of whether the target is a string, file, or standard output. 13) Fileio $ferror only returns a status.? V2k...
v3 = 2'b11;//v1is not assigned end else//default赋值 begin v1 = 2'b00; v2 = 2'b00; v3 = 2'b00; end (2)CASE语句 (a)所有的case语句都应该有一个default语句,避免产生Latch (b)(建议)不要使用casex、casez语句,综合工具不支持 循环语句 (1)forever语句 (2)repeat语句 (3)while语句 (...
//v1 is not assignedendelse//default 赋值beginv1 = 2'b00;v2 = 2'b00;v3 = 2'b00;end(2)CASE 语句(a)所有的 case 语句都应该有一个 default 语句,避免产生 Latch(b)(建议)不要使用 casex、casez 语句,综合工具不支持 循环语句 (1)forever 语句(2)repeat 语句...