Introduction Acute respiratory distress syndrome causes a heterogeneous lung injury, and without protective mechanical ventilation a secondary ventilator-induced lung injury can occur. To ventilate noncompliant lung regions, high inflation pressures are required to 'pop open' the injured alveoli. The ...
Ileynoldc IiOR 1970 I'athogcnesi\ of hronchopuln1onar~d!\- plasia Ibllo\\ing h)al~ncmcmhranc di\ea\e. Am J I'athol X2:?4I-204 normal lung tissue; the amount of nornial lung tissue may be reduced to only 10-20% (1-14). In the clinical setting. the ventilator is ...
Thirty-min periods of HFCWC were alter- nated with periods of IPPV at 0 and 3 em H20 PEEP. At the end of each different ventilatory sequence, ABG, VL, VT, and Crs were measured as previously described. On three of the animals cardiac output was measured during HFCWC and dur- ing ...
未观察到内源性iPEEP。单肺通气在呼吸机设置未发生任何变化的情况下启动。15分钟后,患者出现严重低氧血症,脉搏氧分压从94%显著下降到88%。动脉血气显示:pH 7.41,PaO2 52 mmHg(100% FiO2),PaCO2 40 mmHg,HCO3- 24.8 mM和87% SaO2。 A 50-yr-old man undergoing resection of the upper right lung for ...
In this study, we asked the following questions: what is the effect of the lung position (dependent lung versus nondependent lung) on the rate at which VILI occurs in the normal lung? Will positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) slow the progression of lung injury in either the dependent ...
We compared bedside measures of lung volume by helium multiple-breath washout technique (EELVMBW,He) and effective lung volume based on capnodynamics (ELV) to those assessed from spiral chest CT scans (EELVCT) under different PEEP levels in control and surfactant-depleted lungs. Methods Lung ...